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View Full Version : setclientcvar() before connected

19th July 2017, 09:35

is there a possibility to set a cvar when a client starts loading the map?
I want to enable HTTP downloads before he is actally conencted. Or maybe fast enough while connecting so he doesn't get an error that some files are missing.

I see many clients conenct to my server and disconenct instantly, because they are missing the client files. Most of them don't know what to do and never come back.

Maybe there is another possbility to force the client to allow HTTP downloads?


19th July 2017, 11:28
Without libcod - proably no, with libcod - proably yes. Might possible to just ignore the wwwdl offset https://github.com/voron00/libcod/blob/master/libcod.cpp#L307

19th July 2017, 11:41
Ah thanks, that's great.

Is the client doing any check if he has downloads on or not?
Is only the server checking the client's setting? Would be strange.. lol