View Full Version : Menu macros with forecolor

1st June 2017, 00:39
Hey all. I'm trying to use cod2 menu macroses at this moment, but I've got a problem.

So, I made a macroses for my menu buttons (ingame) - enabled and disables buttons. The difference between they is forecolor (showdvar and hidedvar also, in fact, but it's not important). If somebody doesn't know - with forecolor GLOBAL_DISABLED_COLOR your button looks like disabled. But using macros forecolor doesn't work and I don't know why.

I made a lot of tests: first of all I replace GLOBAL_DISABLED_COLOR to .35 .35 .35 1 (meaning of that #define). Then I tried to remove all arguments from the macros. And again no solution.

And I also want to notice that only forecolor doesn't work. No menu error, no button error - I can see the both, but without this f*&#$%g forecolor.

So, I wanna ask Killtube about it - maybe somebody made it also and can say me, where the problem is.

1st June 2017, 00:42
setItemColor "leave" forecolor 0 0 0 0;

1st June 2017, 03:38
setItemColor "leave" forecolor 0 0 0 0;

Thank you. Is there any way to put it inside macros as default item color?

1st June 2017, 09:36
Sure, but make sure you set 4 items (incl alpha)