View Full Version : Nazi flags

10th May 2017, 08:15
Hi, Killtube. Today I wanna ask you about nazi flags, like on Moscow (mp_downtown). Example:

So, I tried to find it like a texture with cg_drawmaterial. No result - it showed to me a texture below.
I also tried to find it like a model (with decompilling only models from the map) - no result again, it's not a model...
I can't decompile a full version of Moscow - Radiant gave me an error. I tried to decompile gob wtf (I saw something like there) - got aa_default texture there (maybe they did it by another way, idk).

So, can somebody tell me, what is it? How to did the same flag?

11th May 2017, 21:26

11th May 2017, 21:36
Haven't found it in Radiant, but then I found a solution here (http://modsonline.com/Forums-top-61362.html). (you should extract your localized iwd files - afrika_banner_german1 is there)
Thank you :)