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View Full Version : !commands

3rd January 2017, 13:36
Yo guys,i have an mod but i want to add !commands example:!pickup 1 kevi or !god 1 kevi
If give very thanks for help. contact on skype:Kevi Goci

kung foo man
4th January 2017, 00:22

some Options:

1) Use BigBrotherBot
2) Write a CoD2 log parser yourself, e.g. in PHP and execute stuff via UDP/RCon
3) libcod: https://killtube.org/showthread.php?1201-Extension-Player-Command-Control-(includes-CHAT-Control-for-Builtin-B3!)

4th January 2017, 10:13
how to add this bigbrotherbot in mod? and how to install libcod

4th January 2017, 10:24
Check google

4th January 2017, 14:19
Can you not ask us to do every step for you? Do some thinking, do some googling, do some reading. Half of your questions are already answered right on THIS site.

15th February 2017, 12:05
xD thanks.I see video from youtube and i learn how to install it.

1st March 2017, 17:36
As far as I know B3 does not work on cracked servers