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View Full Version : a ban method

14th December 2016, 19:32
hi , is there a way to ban player permanently without guid ban ? right now i am messing with a troll aimboter shit calling with reus in this forum , he uses vpn and he is changing ip every 5 minutes. is there a way to permanent ban or how can i block fake ip's . thx

14th December 2016, 19:44
i have a idea but we must read player's cfg :D how can we do that ?
or i can make cmd menu to send crash commands maybe :D

14th December 2016, 19:52
i have a idea but we must end the world (so you don't have to ban this player anymore) :D how can we do that

ot: seriously does no one know how to search anymore? https://killtube.org/showthread.php?1750-Saving-a-variable-client-side-(persistently)

14th December 2016, 19:56
didnt search like in this :) thx you..