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6th November 2016, 19:49
I'm quite new here, so let me know when I'm doing something wrong :)
I created a tutorial for that, how to start coding without a map like in Black Ops 1 or older Cods, one tutorial for mp and one for zm.

Multiplayer Tutorial (https://cabconmodding.com/threads/black-ops-3-multiplayer-gsc-modding-how-to-start-coding-a-mod-startup-mod-download.1330/)
Zombie Mode Tutorial (https://cabconmodding.com/threads/black-ops-3-zombie-gsc-modding-how-to-start-coding-a-mod-startup-mod-download.1482/)

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post these links here, just message me if not :)

I hope this answers your question, happy modding!

Best regards,

kung foo man
7th November 2016, 13:55

Jokes beside, you are free to advertise link some helpful tutorials ;-)

8th November 2016, 15:07

Jokes beside, you are free to advertise link some helpful tutorials ;-)

xD Thank you! :)

8th November 2016, 16:01
I like the BO3 one: helpful for me as a cod2 modder to understand at least a little how bo3 scripting works.

8th November 2016, 19:28

Jokes beside, you are free to advertise link some helpful tutorials ;-)
Is it possible to edit the thread? Because if you called the thread 'CabCon modding tutorials' I could add a few other tutorials I made. Maybe they would also help a few people. :)

kung foo man
9th November 2016, 00:23
Is it possible to edit the thread?

Yea, you can edit it now. Back then I put a time limit of 120 minutes on posts, because people received an answer and then cleaned all of their posts, rendering whole threads useless.

Well, I just had an idea and implemented it: just save the old version of the post to a file:

editpost.php line 465, under // ### POST HAS NO ERRORS ###

$postid = intval( $postinfo['postid'] );
$time = time();
//$currentmsg = $vbulletin->GPC['message'];
$posts = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT pagetext
WHERE postid = $postid
$post = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($posts);
$text = $post['pagetext'];
$rand = rand(100, 999); // cba to generate a "incremental revision id" now, so just do timestamp+random value
file_put_contents("some_super_secret_folder/{$postid}_{$time}_{$rand}.txt", $text);

So if somebody deletes all of his posts now, it's easy to restore them. If it would be many posts, I will just write a PHP import script for it. Ideas/better implementation is welcome

11th November 2016, 04:52
Yes, I have the same issue/problem on my website. But yeah, I'm using xenforo which got a post history, so it's easy to switch between 'post versions'.

I'm not quite sure if something like this is available for vBulletin but your way do also his job so, nevermind :)

Thank you for the permission to edit my post as long I wish :)

Best regards,