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View Full Version : Mod without a map?

29th October 2016, 10:27
Hey, any idea how to create a mod but without a custom map? E.g to modify stock gametype scripts etc. Can't seems to figure it out lel. Tried createing mp mod level then copy modified scripts to that zone folder. Didn't work.

kung foo man
30th October 2016, 02:07
Tried that too, but had no luck aswell. Time for libcod_bo3 or something > steam ban for mem hacking

The modding circumstances for BO3 are retarded.

kung foo man
30th October 2016, 18:51
Just recalled, I've seen this gametype, which uses stock maps and runs custom mod: https://github.com/DidUknowiPwn/Infected-T7

1st November 2016, 14:51
Oh finally got it. So what you need to do is:

1. Create a Mod in Launcher.
2. Go to zone_source find mp_mod.zone add to it:

3. Copy tdm.gsc and tdm.csc from share/raw/scripts/mp/gametypes to yourmoddir/scripts/mp/gametypes
4. Edit your tdm.gsc
5. Build only core and mp mod level
6. Enjoy