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30th September 2016, 20:56
What's going on with the copies of the servers on the master list. Every copy seems to have same IP.

Does anyone knows?


30th September 2016, 21:07
Removed from both my tracker + kung's tracker. Ip banned as well.

30th September 2016, 21:13
Whenever I see shit like this only one person comes to my mind, by now you should know who am I talking about...

30th September 2016, 21:18
Hosted from some turkish VPS provider.

30th September 2016, 21:26
How in the hell they even have same ammount of players?

30th September 2016, 21:31
Probably querying the original servers, then copying those. Maybe even udp proxying it.

Try blocking his ip on your gameservers, might at least prevent him from copying your playercount.

30th September 2016, 21:34
Just like IzNoGoD said, nothing we can really do about it apart from blocking this IP on our own servers.

30th September 2016, 21:37
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP

Is it enough?

30th September 2016, 22:05
I think you should also block INPUT

1st October 2016, 19:05
If "fake-makers" can't use 'getstatus' for your server, he can't make fake (double server)

1st October 2016, 20:00
I only program.

import socket, time, random, MS_Qw

from threading import Thread
from datetime import datetime

class Main():
def __init__(self):
self.masterServer1 = ('', 20710) # CoD2 master server
self.masterServer2 = ('', 20700) # This one doesn't respond
self.mainServer = ['',0] # Your PC's public IP address
self.redirectServer = ('', 28960) # The original idea was when someone tries to connect to the fake server,
# they would be redirected to this IP address. But since this program works like
# a proxy, huge latency is generated. Maybe on this server there can be a mod that
# will redirect the user to a new server ?
self.settings = {'threads': 1, 'userPorts': [0], 'usersC': []}
self.isAlive = False

def start(self):
self.isAlive = True
servers = MS_Qw.get_list('115').split('\n') # Gets the list of all cod2 servers using protocol 115 (version 1.0)
for num in range(self.settings['threads']):
for server in servers:
if '192.168' not in server and '185.46' not in server and MS_Qw.query_server(server):
Thread(target = self.startServer, args = ((self.mainServer[0], self.getPort()),(server.split(':')[0],int(server.split(':')[1]) ))).start()

def log(self, msg):
print msg

def getPort(self, port = 49000): # ports at first were generated randomly, thus this method was born (seems inefficient with this linear one)
while port in self.settings['userPorts']:
port += 1
return port

def getRmsg(self, msg, addr, redict, sock = ''): # Get live status from server
remove = []
for user, obj in self.settings['usersC']:
if user == addr:
sock = obj[0] # This just enables full-time connection with the client (so he can join the server)
obj[1] = datetime.now()
if (datetime.now() - obj[1]).seconds > 5:
remove.append([user, obj])

for item in remove:
try: self.settings['usersC'].remove(item)
except: pass

if (not sock) or ('getstatus' in msg.lower()) or ('getinfo' in msg.lower()) :
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
self.settings['usersC'].append([addr, [sock, datetime.now()]])

sock.sendto(msg, redict)

data, addr = sock.recvfrom(10024)
data = ''
return data

def startServer(self, ip, redict):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
except :
self.log('Server '+str(ip)+' cant be started.')
self.log('Started server on port: '+str(ip[1]) +', using redirect: ' + str(redict))
sock.sendto('\xff\xff\xff\xffheartbeat COD-2', self.masterServer1)
sock.sendto('\xff\xff\xff\xffgetIpAuthorize 1740261450 test_mod 0', self.masterServer2) # Maybe this is useless ?

lastSent = datetime.now()

while self.isAlive:
if (datetime.now() - lastSent).seconds > 60: # Send Heartbeat every 60 seconds
sock.sendto('\xff\xff\xff\xffheartbeat COD-2', self.masterServer1)
lastSent = datetime.now()

try: data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
except: continue
if not data: continue

if 'getstatus' in data.lower():
#self.log('Got status request. '+str(addr))
returnMsg = self.getRmsg(data, addr, redict)
elif 'getinfo' in data.lower():
#self.log('Got info request.'+str(addr))
returnMsg = self.getRmsg(data, addr, redict)
#self.log('Unknown request: ' + str(data))
returnMsg = '\xff\xff\xff\xfferror\r\nIs this funny or what haha. =)' # Message when they try to connect
#returnMsg = self.getRmsg(data, addr, self.redirectServer) # Uncomment if you want them to actually connect

if returnMsg: sock.sendto(returnMsg, addr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
main = Main()
while main.isAlive:
try: time.sleep(1)
print "Control C"
main.isAlive = False

You can't actually protect your server from being duplicated. iptables or some other firewall can only stop incoming/outgoing connection and some little modification here can make the script take server information via gametracker or even the tracker on this site.
You can however flood the 'fake' server with 'getstatus' or 'getinfo' requests so it goes offline.

2nd October 2016, 11:03
I find it funny though how half of this forum is about "halp how do i get my server to show in the masterlist"

And you just put 100+ servers in there without trying :P

kung foo man
2nd October 2016, 18:28
You can however flood the 'fake' server with 'getstatus' or 'getinfo' requests so it goes offline.

Depending on your Python implementation? Because of DoS amplification? I don't see any necessary reason that a fake server is forced to "go offline" (aka crash or not being able to send out fake server infos anymore)

Mind quiz, what happens when:
- Spawning a fake server, collecting the IP of every user requesting a "getstatus" (aka a player refreshes all servers)
- sending then constantly for like a minute fake getstatus-responses with the spoofed IP's of all the other servers to the client who just reqested a getstatus from you

2nd October 2016, 19:19
Depending on your Python implementation? Because of DoS amplification? I don't see any necessary reason that a fake server is forced to "go offline" (aka crash or not being able to send out fake server infos anymore)

Well, you can "crash" (or slow down) any server/PC with UDP flood. Sending 'getstatus' or 'getinfo' here just speeds up the process.

Spawning a fake server, collecting the IP of every user requesting a "getstatus" (aka a player refreshes all servers)

Every server has been put in a separate thread (works independently of others) and sends 'heartbeat' to masterserver (so it shows in a list). When you press refresh in CoD (or try querying the masterserver), you will get that list with the fake server. Then, your CoD will try to query every single server and when it gets to the fake one, fake one will send that same request to the original server being duplicated (works like a proxy).

sending then constantly for like a minute fake getstatus-responses with the spoofed IP's of all the other servers to the client who just reqested a getstatus from you

When client sends a 'getstatus' request, fake server just sends that request to the original server and forwards the response to the client. You can see how that flood is useful here. For every 13 bytes ('˙˙˙˙getstatus') client sends, 'fake server' has to send that 13 bytes to the original server + the response (at least 100 bytes) to the client.

6th March 2017, 14:46
Im trying to put a fake server to an 1.2 but can't seems to figire out what i'm missing. The server does not appear in 1.2/1.3 master list. Though, i wrote my own perl stuff to do that.


use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;

my $maxlen = 1024;
my $server_port = 28962;

my $emulate_server = "";
my $emulate_port = 28960;

my $emulate_protocol = 117;
my $emulate_version = 1.2;

my $send_message = '';
my $master_time = 0;

my $status_message = '';
my $info_message = '';

my $msg = '';
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $server_port, Proto => 'udp') or die "socket: $@";

print "Starting server on port $server_port\n";

while (my $a = recv($socket, $msg, $maxlen, 0)) {
my ($port, $ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($a);

my $host = "undefined";
my $temphost = gethostbyaddr($ipaddr, AF_INET);

if (defined($temphost)) {
$host = $temphost;

my $ip = inet_ntoa($ipaddr);
print "client $ip ($host) said ''$msg''\n";


if (time > ($master_time + 60)) {
$master_time = time;

if ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus$/i) {
$send_message = $status_message;
elsif ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetinfo xxx$/i) {
$send_message = $info_message;
elsif ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetchallenge$/i) {
$send_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFchallengeResponse ". time);
elsif ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFconnect\s"(.*)"$/i) {
my $userinfo = $1;
$send_message = '';

send($socket, $send_message, 0, $a) == length($send_message) or warn "Trouble sending response: $!";

sub get_server_status {
my $message = '';
my $read_timeout = 1;
my $got_response = 0;
my $status = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus");

socket(SOCKET, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or &die("Socket error: $!");
my $selecta = IO::Select->new;

my $d_ip = inet_aton($emulate_server);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($emulate_port, $d_ip);

send(SOCKET, $status, 0, $portaddr) == length($status) or &die("Cannot send message");

my @ready = $selecta->can_read($read_timeout);

if (defined($ready[0])) {
$portaddr = recv(SOCKET, $message, $maxlen, 0) or &die("Socket error: recv: $!");
$got_response = 1;


if ($got_response) {
$message =~ s/protocol\\\d+/protocol\\$emulate_protocol/g;
$message =~ s/shortversion\\\d\.\d/shortversion\\$emulate_version/g;
$status_message = $message;

# print "$status_message\n";

sub get_server_info {
my $message = '';
my $read_timeout = 1;
my $got_response = 0;
my $info = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetinfo");

socket(SOCKET, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or &die("Socket error: $!");
my $selecta = IO::Select->new;

my $d_ip = inet_aton($emulate_server);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($emulate_port, $d_ip);

send(SOCKET, $info, 0, $portaddr) == length($info) or &die("Cannot send message");

my @ready = $selecta->can_read($read_timeout);

if (defined($ready[0])) {
$portaddr = recv(SOCKET, $message, $maxlen, 0) or &die("Socket error: recv: $!");
$got_response = 1;


if ($got_response) {
$message =~ s/protocol\\\d+/protocol\\$emulate_protocol/g;
$info_message = $message;

# print "$info_message\n";

sub send_master_heartbeat {
my $master = "cod2master.activision.com";
my $master_port = 20710;
my $master_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFheartbeat COD-2");

socket(SOCKET, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or &die("Socket error: $!");

my $d_ip = gethostbyname($master);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($master_port, $d_ip);

print "Sending heartbeat to $master\n";

send(SOCKET, $master_message, 0, $portaddr) == length($master_message) or &die("Cannot send message");


sub get_ip_authorize {
my $master = "cod2master.activision.com";
my $master_ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($master));
my $master_port = 20710;
my $master_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetIpAuthorize " . time . " " . $master_ip . " dr 0");

socket(SOCKET, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or &die("Socket error: $!");

my $d_ip = gethostbyname($master);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($master_port, $d_ip);

print "sending getIpAuthorize for $master_ip:$master_port\n";

send(SOCKET, $master_message, 0, $portaddr) == length($master_message) or &die("Cannot send message");


This works fine for 1.0 (server appears in master) but not for 1.2/1.3. Was there something added/changed in 1.2/1.3 (I didn't find anything)? Any ideas?

6th March 2017, 15:42
Are you sure the masterserver is not derping out immensely like it's been doing the past week?

6th March 2017, 17:52
Could be, now it does not work on 1.0 either lol.

7th March 2017, 15:36
Oh hell yeah fixed it, the problem was that i was creating a new socket to send a master serv request and some regex fails in getstatus/getchallenge, now its working:


use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;

my $maxlen = 1024;
my $server_port = 28962;

my $emulate_server = "";
my $emulate_port = 28960;

my $emulate_protocol = 117;
my $emulate_version = 1.2;

my $send_message = '';

my $msg = '';
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $server_port, Proto => 'udp') or die "socket: $@";

print "Starting server on port $server_port\n";

my $master_time = time;

while (my $adr = recv($socket, $msg, $maxlen, 0)) {
my ($port, $ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($adr);

my $host = "undefined";
my $temphost = gethostbyaddr($ipaddr, AF_INET);

if (defined($temphost)) {
$host = $temphost;

my $ip = inet_ntoa($ipaddr);
print "client $ip ($host) said ''$msg''\n";

if (time > ($master_time + 60)) {
$master_time = time;

if ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus/i) {
$send_message = &get_server_status;
elsif ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetinfo/i) {
$send_message = &get_server_info;
elsif ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetchallenge/i) {
$send_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFchallengeResponse " . time);
elsif ($msg =~ /^\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFconnect/i) {
$send_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFerror\r\nThis is a Test Fake Server.\nPlase connect to a original one.");

send($socket, $send_message, 0, $adr) == length($send_message) or &die("Socket error: $!");


sub get_server_status {
my $message = '';
my $read_timeout = 1;
my $got_response = 0;
my $status = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus");

socket(SOCKET, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or &die("Socket error: $!");

my $d_ip = inet_aton($emulate_server);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($emulate_port, $d_ip);

send(SOCKET, $status, 0, $portaddr) == length($status) or &die("Cannot send message");

$portaddr = recv(SOCKET, $message, $maxlen, 0) or &die("Socket error: recv: $!");
$message =~ s/protocol\\\d+/protocol\\$emulate_protocol/g;
$message =~ s/shortversion\\\d\.\d/shortversion\\$emulate_version/g;

# print "$status_message\n";


return $message;

sub get_server_info {
my $message = '';
my $read_timeout = 1;
my $got_response = 0;
my $info = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetinfo");

socket(SOCKET, AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")) or &die("Socket error: $!");

my $d_ip = inet_aton($emulate_server);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($emulate_port, $d_ip);

send(SOCKET, $info, 0, $portaddr) == length($info) or &die("Cannot send message");

$portaddr = recv(SOCKET, $message, $maxlen, 0) or &die("Socket error: recv: $!");
$message =~ s/protocol\\\d+/protocol\\$emulate_protocol/g;

# print "$info_message\n";


return $message;

sub send_master_heartbeat {
my $master = "cod2master.activision.com";
my $master_port = 20710;
my $master_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFheartbeat COD-2");

my $d_ip = gethostbyname($master);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($master_port, $d_ip);

print "Sending heartbeat to $master\n";

send($socket, $master_message, 0, $portaddr) == length($master_message) or &die("Cannot send message");

sub get_ip_authorize {
my $master = "cod2master.activision.com";
my $master_ip = inet_ntoa(inet_aton($master));
my $master_port = 20700;
my $master_message = ("\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetIpAuthorize " . time . " " . $master_ip . " dr 0");

my $d_ip = gethostbyname($master);
my $portaddr = sockaddr_in($master_port, $d_ip);

print "sending getIpAuthorize for $master_ip:$master_port\n";

send($socket, $master_message, 0, $portaddr) == length($master_message) or &die("Cannot send message");

7th March 2017, 18:22
Looks like you got it working but here is my answer just for the record.

Was there something added/changed in 1.2/1.3 (I didn't find anything)?

The only difference in network communication (the part that is human-readable) in 1.3 is the new "/punkbuster/" parameter that was added (compeard to 1.0), not counting 'protocol' and 'shortversion' changes ofc:

\g_antilag\1\g_gametype\dm\gamename\Call of Duty 2\mapname\mp_toujane\protocol\115\scr_friendlyfire \0\scr_killcam\1\shortversion\1.0\sv_allowAnonymou s\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\1\sv_maxclients\ 20\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_priva teClients\0\sv_pure\1\sv_voice\0\challenge\1199179 950\pswrd\0\mod\0

\g_antilag\1\g_gametype\dm\gamename\Call of Duty 2\mapname\mp_toujane\protocol\118\scr_friendlyfire \0\scr_killcam\1\shortversion\1.3\sv_allowAnonymou s\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostname\1\sv_maxclients\ 20\sv_maxPing\0\sv_maxRate\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_priva teClients\0\sv_punkbuster\0\sv_pure\1\sv_voice\0\c hallenge\1199270075\pswrd\0\mod\0

There was also some more difference in the 'connect' packet with again added parameter '\cl_wwwDownload\'.

So to answer your question, No. There were no major changes that would make master-server not accept your fake server as 1.3 (assuming you changed the protocol to 118).
Here is my code i just wrote in approx. 50 lines:

#Network module for basic UDP communication
import socket

#Time module
import time

variables = {
'myServerAddr': ("", 28965), #Localhost refers to the local addr that is on current computer
'masterServerAddr1': ("", 20710), #This is the master server to witch you send hearbeats
'masterServerAddr2': ("", 20700), #This is the master server to witch you send IpAuthorize

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, # Internet dedicated
socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP oriented

sock.settimeout(1) #Raise an exeption if one second passed and no request has been done

def sendStatusResponse(addr, challenge = ""):
sock.sendto("\xff\xff\xff\xffstatusResponse\n\\g_antilag\\1\\g_ gametype\\dm\\gamename\\Call of Duty 2\\mapname\\mp_toujane\\protocol\\118\\scr_friendl yfire\\0\\scr_killcam\\1\\shortversion\\1.3\\sv_al lowAnonymous\\0\\sv_floodProtect\\1\\sv_hostname\\ 1111111111111111111\\sv_maxclients\\20\\sv_maxPing \\0\\sv_maxRate\\0\\sv_minPing\\0\\sv_privateClien ts\\0\\sv_punkbuster\\0\\sv_pure\\1\\sv_voice\\0\p swrd\\0\\mod\\0\\challenge\\"+challenge.replace(' ', ''), addr);

def sendInfoResponse(addr, challenge = ''):
sock.sendto("\xff\xff\xff\xffinfoResponse\n\\challenge\\" + challenge.replace(' ', '') +"\\protocol\\118\\hostname\\1111111111111111111\\ma pname\\mp_toujane\\sv_maxclients\\20\\gametype\\dm \\pure\\1\\kc\\1\\hw\\2\\mod\\0\\voice\\0\\pb\\129 72288", addr)

def updateServerState():
#Looking at COD2MP_s.exe 1.3 IpAuthorize is sent first but i dont think this makes any difference what so ever
sock.sendto("\xff\xff\xff\xffgetIpAuthorize 899360599 "" 0", variables['masterServerAddr2']);
sock.sendto("\xff\xff\xff\xffheartbeat COD-2", variables['masterServerAddr1']);


#These messages are send to the master server every 60 seconds (number varies)

timeStart = time.time()

while (1):
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)

if (time.time() - timeStart) > 60:
timeStart = time.time()

if data.lower().startswith("\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus"):
sendStatusResponse(addr, data.lower().replace("\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus", ""))

if data.lower().startswith("\xff\xff\xff\xffgetinfo"):
sendInfoResponse(addr, data.lower().replace("\xff\xff\xff\xffgetinfo", ""))

Simply changing the protocol from 115 (1.0) to 118 (1.3) did the trick.

15th March 2017, 15:05
Is it possible to make a fake server in 1.2 that copies the 1.0 server and redirects to the 1.0 server?

kung foo man
15th March 2017, 16:06
Sure, you basically just write a proxy and dynamically rewrite the protocol-version, so the 1.2 clients think it's a 1.2 server

15th March 2017, 16:34
Is it possible to make a fake server in 1.2 that copies the 1.0 server and redirects to the 1.0 server?

Short Answer
- Yes.

Long Answer
- Version 1.2 and 1.0 have almost the same "protocol", meaning their network communication is very similar. The only difference i saw was in the download mechanism. Not long ago i did create a fake 1.0 server that showed in 1.0 master-server list, but it was just a gateway to a 1.2 server (it can go both ways). This however doesn't work if you have a mod in 1.2 server that needs to be downloaded in 1.0 as the "fast-download" can't be achieved in 1.0.
- "Proxying" a real server and allowing players to join to it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Positive things:

Regardless of the real server you can make the fake one show/hide in master-server.
"Multi-Version" for 1.0 and 1.2. Fake server can accept both 1.0 and 1.2 players as long as you change the protocol of the connect packet.
Complete control of the client. You cant actually know what the client is sending to the server as it is encoded (or maybe you know how) but you can disconnect him at any time, with any message.
You can catch rcon commands. I haven't tested this yet, but as far as i remember rcon packet is sent in human-readable form. ( "\xff\xff\xff\xffrcon RCON_PASSWORD status")
All players connected to the fake server have same IP. You can use this as, lets say a VPN to protect yourself.
If your fake server is on the same machine as your original server, players with cracked keys will be able to join as it will appear they are connecting from LAN.

Negative things:

Delay. When connected to the fake server i experienced a ping increase from 40-50 ms (regular) to 70-80 ms.
All players connected to the fake server have same IP. Banning one fake player will result in banning them all.
IF your fake server is on the same machine as your original server, players will have 0 GUID.

EDIT: Tested for rcon. Works.

16th March 2017, 07:32
Negative things:

Delay. When connected to the fake server i experienced a ping increase from 40-50 ms (regular) to 70-80 ms.
All players connected to the fake server have same IP. Banning one fake player will result in banning them all.
IF your fake server is on the same machine as your original server, players will have 0 GUID.

I did the same with my CoD UO Server. My Proxy is written in Java (multi-threaded) and works fine. No Ping increase at all.
I also get the client IPs with \rcon status for example. I mapped the local ports of the proxy to their original IP addresses. Then I simply replace them in "status" command.
I didn't solve the GUID problem, because I didn't need it. But it's possible for sure. I guess you have to use ipAuthorize and challengeResponse or something

16th March 2017, 17:18
I did the same with my CoD UO Server. My Proxy is written in Java (multi-threaded) and works fine. No Ping increase at all.

Well considering that both your original and fake server are on the same machine and communicating via LAN, you should have no additional latency.


Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

"Ping measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination computer that are echoed back to the source." So the needed time for the message to arrive from your computer to the fake server is summed with the time needed for the fake server to send (and receive) a message from original server. In your case host and destination computer are the same thing so it may seem like there is no additional ping.
The time can also be effected with the level of efficiency of your implementation. I think it doesn't matter what programming language you use (for sockets) because you wont find any notable difference.