View Full Version : [COD4] moving the hud element based on which team the client joins ?

21st May 2016, 12:46

i'm trying to create a hud element with a value that will be displayed on the top right if the player joins as a jumper
and it moves and changes size and position to the middle of the screen if the player joins as spectator
so spectators can see which fps the player they're spectating is using

how do i do that ? can you give me an example please


21st May 2016, 14:20
just .archived=false the hud elem and create it for both spectator and player

22nd May 2016, 08:29
I have it .archived=false but still i can't make it change when you're a spectator and change back again to the original settings when you're a player

basically i want it to do this

while playing
/............................. hud1 /

while spectating

can you give me an example please


22nd May 2016, 08:50
You have to change some Hud properties.

hud.x = 0;
hud.y = 0;
hud.xAlign = "center";
hud.yAlign = "middle";

hud MoveOverTime( 2.0 );
hud.x = 100;
hud.y = 100;

I dont know the exact names of the properties nor the exact order, but it should give you another start.

22nd May 2016, 09:15
Thanks serthy,
i know the basics of the hud and MoveOverTime won't help me with what i want for this case since the move have to be based on if the client joins as spectator or as a player not time based

which leads me to my next question
if what i want isn't possible with a hud element can it be done via a menu ?

22nd May 2016, 09:53
dude what the hell.

Just do stuff onspawn() and onjoinspectator().

22nd May 2016, 11:27
dude what the hell.

Just do stuff onspawn() and onjoinspectator().

Of course i didn't try onspawn() and onjoinspectator() .. :facepalm: :smh:
I'll figure it out

Thanks anyway

22nd May 2016, 13:03
Of course i didn't try onspawn() and onjoinspectator() .. :facepalm: :smh:
I'll figure it out

Thanks anyway

Sarcasm? What did you try already then? Show ur scripts

22nd May 2016, 15:24
Thanks serthy,
i know the basics of the hud and MoveOverTime won't help me with what i want for this case since the move have to be based on if the client joins as spectator or as a player not time based

Afaik, in CoD4 you can hook the functions IzNoGoD mentioned. And then check the team player.pres["team"] == "spectator" // or "axies"/"allies" (if even neccesary) and change the HUD accordingly.

FUNC onJoinedTeam()
IF player team is spectator
move hud to mid
move hud to corner

However all this stuff should already be (in parts) in the stock gamefiles, if you know the basics of a HUD, you should also be able to figure it out where and how to move them as you like, as this is one of the simpliest things you can do in scripting.