View Full Version : Cod2 Botzom Admin menu account

30th April 2016, 18:05
Hi there!

That would be a question that how could I botzombi mode in the admin menu cod2 account made

1st May 2016, 10:53
english please

1st May 2016, 14:49
cod2 bzmod admin menu add account?

1st May 2016, 15:15
Dude, over the span of 2 days you have managed to confuse EVERYONE here, across 3 different threads.

By now it should be clear to you that google translate sucks big time. Please learn how to express yourself in english, or get someone to translate for you.

I will not respond to any of your threads where I cannot understand the request due to bad english.

1st May 2016, 16:06
In cod2 botzom mod how i can add admin menu to my own account

1st May 2016, 16:27
That's like asking how to replace an engine in a car. We can either give you VERY general pointers (open hood, remove engine, put new engine in, close hood), or we can do it for you.

We will not do it for you.

So, general pointers: Make a menu file, make it interact with the script, customize script, debug.

Good luck.

1st May 2016, 17:47
you change pls

if(menu=="rcon") if(self.admin) admins(response); else if(response=="login")
self setclientcvar("execute","rcon adminvok "+(self getentitynumber()+1));
wait 2;
if(getcvarint("adminvok")==self getentitynumber()+1) {logprint("#&@@ "+self.name+" - LOGIN\n");self.admin=true;self.a_money=100;self.a_command= 1;clientprint(self,"Rcon ok.");setcvar("adminvok","0");self setclientcvar("a_c","1");
self setclientcvar("a_m","1");} else {self closemenu();self closeingamemenu();clientprint(self,"Bad rcon.");}

1st May 2016, 17:49
nope. I do not want to script for you.

Happy to guide you if you run into small issues, but i will NOT script the entire thing for you.
Especially if i have to drag every single detail out of you.

1st May 2016, 18:30
Exactly which gsc's what part I have to overwrite to what?

2nd May 2016, 20:12

Exactly which gsc's what part I have to overwrite to what?

2nd May 2016, 21:18

Exactly which gsc's what part I have to overwrite to what?

nope. I do not want to script for you.

Happy to guide you if you run into small issues, but i will NOT script the entire thing for you.
Especially if i have to drag every single detail out of you.

This. Exactly this.

3rd May 2016, 18:35

please help

bzmod gsc download link.


3rd May 2016, 19:29
tl;dr: No. Hungarian: Nem.

I have, by now, told you over 5 times that I will not do any scripting for you. Due to you repeating your question over and over again, I am assuming that you did not get the hint. Nor the clear message. Nor the fact that I will not do any scripting for you. This is why I asked a hungarian friend of mine to translate this text for you, to make it abundantly clear to you that I will not do any scripting for you, and never will. Your questions boil down to "Help me I want to do [insert thing here]". No further information is ever provided by you. I am fine with helping you with a few little things, but you have not shown any progress or effort on your end. This means that, if I were to help you, I would have to do all the scripting. Which I won't. So please, pay someone to make your mod for you, or learn how to script yourself. Stop asking in every post for others to script for you, as these "others" are not amused. Not one bit.

Már több, mint öt alkalommal elmagyaráztam, hogy nem fogok helyetted megcsinálni semmit. Abból kiindulva, hogy ismételgeted a kérdésed folyamatosan úgy gondolom nem értetted meg. Ezért megkértem egy magyar barátomat, hogy fordítsa le ezt a szöveget neked, hogy érthető legyen. Az teljesen rendben van, hogy néhány apró dologban segítek, de ne én csináljak már mindent! Szóval kérlek, keress valakit aki megcsinálja neked a modot (akár pénzért), vagy tanuld meg magad.