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12th April 2016, 02:28
Another WW2 game coming out this year with plenty of potential.



Recent concept image on their Carentan map;

Which seems to be based off this video from 4 years ago;


Some details;
Uses Unreal Engine 4.
Domination, capture the flag, deathmatch and S&D confirmed gametypes.
Custom map creation, editable rulesets and dedicated server hosting tools.
British, American, Russian and German factions.

You can sign up for a chance to play closed alpha here;

12th April 2016, 19:42
Best Scene :D (https://youtu.be/cnSJ4cTxsSo?t=1m13s)

12th April 2016, 19:59
Remember when Turning Point: Fall of Liberty was THE next best shit, but turned out to be just shit?

Ye, I aint holding my breath for any of these

24th April 2016, 06:18
I was chatting with a developer about this game & CoD2, he requested some feedback on what DoW could take from CoD2 and gave me some good replies I thought were worth sharing;

My feedback;
One area I believe CoD2 did very well with was map design. They took inspiration from known media such as Band of Brothers to capture that realistic feeling, but also did well keeping them balanced which paved way for intense battles rich with different strategies no matter which gametype you were playing.
Our next map is going to be Carentan and we are trying to get even closer to Band of Brothers than CoD ever did. The bonus we have is tons of existing map designs that we can also take inspiration from to ensure we don't sacrifice on the gameplay side.

My feedback;
On the other hand, one aspect I believe CoD2 could have improved in was their spawn logic. Many times during TDM/DM where the battle can become chaotic we find ourselves spawning directly behind or next to an enemy. I hope you make spawn logic a priority and polish it as much as need be because it’s one of those things that cause frustration if not implemented perfectly.
Totally agree on the spawning point, one way we plan to battle that is a focus on objective based game modes, be it flag based, or more SnD type. The reason we haven't led with SnD is by doing so we would be in direct competition with well established franchises like CoD and CSGO - but we absolutely want to get that mode back in action with the classic WW2 spin.

My feedback;
Back on what CoD2 does well, fast/fluid animations and fast paced gameplay! This is something WW2 games have been lacking for a long time, and I would say is a requirement/need for us CoD2 players and for your competitive scene. Other games such as Red Orchestra which lean towards realism/clunky animations have shown that the competitive scene is not really interested in that sort of gameplay. Fast paced action shooters tend to be more entertaining to play AND watch.
Our second full time team member was a very talented animator and we think that will be a relative strength of ours as a smaller indie studio. So important to how the game feels and we treat CoD as the benchmark for 'fluidity' in gameplay.

My feedback;
Another thing I’d like to see with DoW but I’m sure you already have plans for are public dedicated server files, custom mapping (I saw your trailer on that, got me excited), and modding. With mods, I hope it will be highly configurable with as much access to gameplay/UI functions as possible. Allow us to create our own gametypes or full game conversions such as zombies, or even adding our own factions. This gives you a game that is always “fresh” and keeps players coming back 5+ years down the road.
The modding ecosystem is a little further down our roadmap, but super important and something we have some big ideas for.

Hope this was helpful for someone.