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View Full Version : Windows 10 + CoD2MPWindowed = Win

kung foo man
7th April 2016, 09:33
Yo, not much time, just this: https://github.com/Si13n7/CoD2MPWindowed

Basically it wraps CoD2 as child in a form and updates the Window Rect of CoD2, really useful for modding etc.

The Win32 API before Win 10 doesn't support this so well, but the code has a fallback mechanism for it.

To quote the readme on this:

It's very simple for Windows 10. I was really wondering but it's enough to create a form application and change the parent of the game. Then you only have to handle the resize functions for great flexibility.

The fix is similiar for older Windows versions. But before we can do that we have to change 2 bytes in 'gfx_d3d_mp_x86_s.dll' to force windowed mode.

To install, just download this file in your CoD2 folder: https://github.com/Si13n7/CoD2MPWindowed/blob/master/.bin/CoD2MP_w.exe

7th April 2016, 12:59
I always wondered why people would play in window mode and not full screen?

7th April 2016, 13:55
For easy alt tabing. You can delete the frame with Borderless Gaming Software.

7th April 2016, 13:58
Less time spent alt-tabbing

7th April 2016, 14:01
But why would you alt-tab?

7th April 2016, 14:05

Also I had always problems with streaming old games (video lags). Window Mode was always a sollution.

15th May 2016, 11:22
Did anybody manage to do this? Not working for me

15th May 2016, 17:37
Are you using windows 10?

15th May 2016, 23:33
Yes and cod2 1.0.

kung foo man
16th May 2016, 02:16
Can you define "not working for me"?

16th May 2016, 09:57
Yes sorry. I start it with the provided .exe on his website. Screen starts in fullscreen. Then it starts flickering for 2 seconds (looks like trying to force window mode). Then its still full screen