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View Full Version : 2016 + MoH + CoD + Enemy Territory = Battalion 1944

kung foo man
3rd February 2016, 19:39


As much I've read it's Unreal Engine 4, but I have no clue about modding capabilities of the engine.

Well, honestly, to fully add up to the equation, I want at least:
- Movement code like MoH and/or CoD and/or RTCW ET (e.g. a cvar setting)
- Moddable
- Scriptable
- Mappable

If these things aren't given, ICCL.

kung foo man
3rd February 2016, 22:49
Top keks those "devs", trying to "capture CoD2 flair" with 6 vs 6 battles:


Probably just designers making a game and reusing netcode, player movement and everything else from UE4 stock examples. Rekt.

4th February 2016, 10:52
It looks very promising. They are currently gathering money via kickstarter.

I would at least like dedicated servers up to 64 slots.
And ofcourse modding, scripting and custom gametypes.

29th February 2016, 22:15
I just happened to watch the Battalion stream on Twitch where they talked about the game and answered to the community's questions about it.
So, just a few things

They will definitely support the mod community. Most of the developers used to create mods for different games themselves and that's also how they got into the gaming development business. They are communicating with Epic Games, so modding will happen. Though I can't tell what content exactly you will be able to create.
Looking at the game ARK, which is also based on Unreal Engine 4, you will probably be able to create gamemodes, weapons, maps etc. Although I was a little confused when he talked about game modes, for it kinda sounded like they were not sure, that they want to help with it, but don't want hundreds of gamemodes out there. Whatever that means.

There will be custom/dedicated servers, where the admins have full control over the game settings including server size, they will not limit it on PC, so you can have 64 slots at least (he said something about 75 btw). Though the maps they create will be made for a maximum of competitive 10v10, depending on the gamemode.

Different gametypes like CTF, SD, TDM, DM are in development including Hardcore mode. They also mentioned squads, like Squad DM in Battlefield, which is great.

They talked about a healthregen system. If they include it, it will be something between the one in CoD2 and Battlefield.

I, personally, got a pretty good feeling about it, especially because they, and Indi Studios in general, do a lot of things out of passion, but we'll see. Release is still over a year into the future.

Maybe we should also look into Days of War which is also on Kickstarter now and as well a WWII shooter