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View Full Version : Source Weapons Possibly Coming to CoD Soon

21st January 2016, 19:16
Still gotta figure out how to either put the TF2 rig into CoD, or make the anim work on CoD rig (which would be very interesting to see), but as of now this is pretty nice.

EDIT: Managed to get it into maya for editing with the CoD rig, but it was kinda troublesome since the exported FBX file imported into maya was kinda fucked up. I went through the tedious process of exporting an XANIM_EXPORT using the blender-cod plugins, compiling it with CoD4 AssMan, then re-decompiling it with Tom's XAnim Exporter. Some of the fingers are now weird, but it's almost perfect.

Here it is in blender:

22nd January 2016, 02:01
Lol, why didn't I think of this earlier? Easiest method would be to include the CoD rig for proper implementation ingame but to position them out of the player's view in the animation. Then the entire TF2 arm + weapon could be the gun model.

Case solved, hopefully everything goes smoothly and I can get some sexy butterfly knives into CoD2 :)