View Full Version : Long Int

19th November 2015, 20:57
Hey guys,

I have a problem with big numbers inside gsc.
I have a loong number in a string. I can extract it but datatype still seems to be a string, so I can't use it for calculations.

I casted the string using (int) but the max value of a normal integer is exceeded.

Is there a possibility to use a long int for example? Float seems to have same limitations as int..

Thanks for answers!

19th November 2015, 21:21
Cod2 does not support anything above 32bit data types, so you have to store it either in raw memory, making calculations harder, or in a string, making calculations near impossible.

What are you trying to achieve with it?

19th November 2015, 21:38
The number is the score of a player. The first player is no reaching the limits.. I have something to do :/
How could I store it in raw memory?

It's for UO anyway

19th November 2015, 22:37
How is a player ever reaching such a score of 2 BILLION?

Given that you're generous and give 100 xp/kill, the player has to get 20 million kills. This means that, given 1 kill per second, he'd have to continuously keep killing people at said rate for over 5000 hour or over 200 days.

If you're giving more than 100 xp/kill, i'd advise you to either lower that, or just add a multiplier to the score (kill = 1000xp, store xp in multiples of 1000)

kung foo man
20th November 2015, 06:35
Or, if you are masochistic, add a binding of a big number library to gsc:


gcc -o add_example add_example.c -lgmp -lm

#include <stdio.h> /* for printf */
#include <gmp.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
mpz_t a, b; /* working numbers */
if (argc<3)
{ /* not enough words */
printf("Please supply two numbers to add.\n");
return 1;
mpz_init_set_str (a, argv[1], 10); /* Assume decimal integers */
mpz_init_set_str (b, argv[2], 10); /* Assume decimal integers */
mpz_add (a, a, b); /* a=a+b */

printf("%s + %s => %s\n", argv[1], argv[2], mpz_get_str (NULL, 10, a));
return 0;

20th November 2015, 10:04
How can I add a new data type to gsc then?

kung foo man
21st November 2015, 00:18
Oh, you wanna add big int types to the scripting engine instead of a simple binding of a big int library?

Then you just gotta reverse engineer and fit the bison/flex scanner/parser/opcode generator/interpreter.

As easy introduction I suggest this little toy language: http://www.peroxide.dk/tuts_scr.shtml

22nd November 2015, 10:59
How you reach 2,147,483,647 I don't know but from memory a friend of mine bypassed the 32bit int limit by using strings and using B for Billion, T for Trillion etc.

22nd November 2015, 21:37
I used strings now :) Was the easiest method. To calculate the strings I use a helper function in c++

Thanks for your tipps guys