View Full Version : Marksman

30th September 2015, 15:11
It's a perk in MW3, which basically lets you identify enemy names from a larger range, for cod4 you can identify your teamnames from a large range already, but how could this work for enemies?

30th September 2015, 17:54
I'm not too familiar with cod4, but isn't there a cvar for that?

30th September 2015, 22:16
you could theoretically look at how cod4x does the team-based-collisions, then hijack that to setcontents the player on a per-player basis. I think setcontents(2) actually handles the playernames, but it's been a while since i last looked at that stuff

30th September 2015, 23:32
It's a perk in MW3, which basically lets you identify enemy names from a larger range, for cod4 you can identify your teamnames from a large range already, but how could this work for enemies?

I think these are the dvars that handle enemy crosshair names and their size (you have 1 for the actual name, and 1 for their rank):

self setClientDvars( "cg_overheadnamessize", 0.5,
"cg_overheadranksize", 0.5,
"cg_drawCrosshairNames", 1 );