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View Full Version : Obtaining PB Guid from client?

3rd September 2015, 14:20
Hello, is there a way to get clint's PB guid? I need to use this over basic CoD2 guid (cause CoD2 guid isn't as reliable as PB guid for my usage - competitive gaming, where PB guids are used over CoD2 guids for years). I already tried several ways, but everytime I've just run into a wall of libcod limitations (if I could get server or client's command output into variable, it could be so easy).

3rd September 2015, 16:50
It might be possible to get the output of a rcon command like pb_sv_plist.

cod2 1.3

result = sub_80B7AE2(s + 3, "sv_", 3);
if ( !result )
v2 = strlen(s);
result = sub_813BF4C(14, -1, v2 + 1, s); // should return your output (e.g. PunkBuster Server: Player List: ...)