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View Full Version : Spam out of filthy freaks setAnim thread

13th August 2015, 16:00
Error your function, even if you register on the "self" for a particular condition "IF" bugs that are prescribed other players, not once!
Especially for Mitch:
player[1].name="player make";
player[2].name="player john:;
player[1] setAnim("animation_run"); //give "player make" animation: "animation_run"
Sometimes it's so:
player[1] setAnim("animation_run"); //give "player make" animation: "animation_run" and give player[2] (player john) animation: "animation_run".
Instead, the player player[2] happens and several players who are given animation

14th August 2015, 02:59

Post your code.

14th August 2015, 12:20
Не проблема, могу написать на своем, ведь русский язык содерижит более 1 000 000 слов, а английский всего ничего 150 000 слов, так что наслаждайтесь необразованные звери!)

14th August 2015, 13:52
This thread isn't for you to cry about the English language. Post your spam elsewhere.

14th August 2015, 18:21
If you want help with bugs you encounter by asking questions on an english forum, you are required to post your questions in english. Telling us how good the russian language is (in russian) is not gonna help you patch your buggy code.

14th August 2015, 19:04
I have already said above error

kung foo man
14th August 2015, 19:12
As long not even the question is understandable, we can discuss the meaning further in Trash forum, including hurt feelings.

Post your code.

15th August 2015, 15:54
This thread is a trainwreck.