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View Full Version : playerMove(direction)

8th July 2015, 05:33
Would anyone like to have a function that moves a client based on wasd input?

For example

player playerMove("up");
wait 1;
player playerMove("down");
wait 1;
player playerMove("left");
wait 1;
player playerMove("right");
wait 1;
player playerMove("none");

The client would move in the specified direction depending on current angle. So if i'm facing West and set left it will walk South. Also can be used to move clients/bots without worrying about clipping into objects, allowing more advanced bot path algorithms. Probably less server load too, with no need to use moveTo(), and stock movement/character animations should work.

It can be done, just ask.

kung foo man
8th July 2015, 10:20
Ehh, as if anybody says no to useful functions ^^

13th July 2015, 03:28
See http://killtube.org/showthread.php?2241-Player-movement-amp-grenades&p=12174#post12174