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View Full Version : CoD Demo - How did they do that?

18th June 2015, 08:12
Hey, I just stumbled upon this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ1DmT-Qaic
and at 1:40 there is a zoom in to another player. How did they do that, as I'm not able to change players or go spectating in demos?
Any ideas?
This might be a remake etc and blended in, but I saw alot similar recently. Maybe I find some more examples

Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GF1d8glgFg alot of times its kind of zoomed out to other players (at least it seemed so)

18th June 2015, 13:04
they must have used a different mod to play the demo

19th June 2015, 10:39
Is there a way to hide Huds on demos?
I mean huds that are created by newHudItem() and its fellows,
but be still able to see the hiticon and killfeed
(so cg_draw2D does NOT work as it hides everything..)

20th June 2015, 15:08
I'm not quite sure if I did this for my last video, but, I was recording the gunship from the shooter's position and from a spectator position at the same time.
When I played the spectator demo to record the video, I tried to set draw2D to 0 when a player joined the spectators team, and it didn't work.
You should test it, cause, like I said, I'm not quite sure if I did this or not. But, apparently, playing demos will only use sounds / images from the mod.

20th June 2015, 16:09
the problem is: I cannot hide Strings in the HUD, for example some advertisment, how many players are alive in PAM etc, either cg_draw2D 0, but then the killfeed and the hiticon is also gone. And recording the clip 2 times w/ and w/o the hud and then cutting it is not practical in a framerate up to 300. the sync is a horror then

I dont know about libcod, maybe a guru knows more there

also, i saw a few videos where the demo was paused, how do I do that? cl_paused or paused dont have any effects and the slowest timescale is 0.001 (which is still to fast)

cl_freezedemo works ;)

kung foo man
20th June 2015, 18:27
I would probably start by hooking into the camera/player/spec/demo functions, starting from Mitch's libcod version, but that's quite some effort and not everybody is interested in movie making. ^^

cl_freezedemo works with spectator flying?

20th June 2015, 18:38
I would probably start by hooking into the camera/player/spec/demo functions, starting from Mitch's libcod version, but that's quite some effort and not everybody is interested in movie making. ^^

fortunately some1 already did the work :p
just have to look for an valid download link somewhere (its called cod2 fly mode)
and does exactly what u said above

cl_freezedemo works with spectator flying?

doubt it, but ill report back
at least it freezes the demo

20th June 2015, 20:10
are the strings localized strings? modify the localized english files (erase the strings "") in your mod and try it. they are at least precached in the beginning of the game

nvm, didn't read latest replies

20th June 2015, 23:21
are the strings localized strings? modify the localized english files (erase the strings "") in your mod and try it. they are at least precached in the beginning of the game

nvm, didn't read latest replies

no, i doubt it, i play the demo without a mod and the strings stays
(guess they precacheString( &"String" );'ed)

cl_freezedemo works, the demo pauses, but it still plays in the background, so you cant resume

21st June 2015, 17:12
fortunately some1 already did the work :p
just have to look for an valid download link somewhere (its called cod2 fly mode)
and does exactly what u said above

Download link?