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View Full Version : Changing bot pings.

1st June 2015, 00:19
Credits to IzNoGoD for walking me through this <3

Put these functions in libcod.cpp

int gsc_libcod_getAddressType(int id) {
extern int playerinfo_base;
extern int playerinfo_size;

#if COD_VERSION == COD2_1_0
int info_addresstype_offset = 0x6E5C4;
#elif COD_VERSION == COD2_1_2
int info_addresstype_offset = 0x6E6D4;
#elif COD_VERSION == COD2_1_3
int info_addresstype_offset = 0x6E6D4;
#warning getAddressType() got no working addresses
int info_addresstype_offset = 0x0;

int addrtype = *(int*)(*(int*)playerinfo_base + id * playerinfo_size + info_addresstype_offset);

cHook *hook_set_bot_pings;
void set_bot_pings()
int (*sig)();
*(int *)&sig = hook_set_bot_pings->from;
int ret = sig();

extern int playerinfo_base;
extern int playerinfo_size;
int addrtype;
int i;

#if COD_VERSION == COD2_1_0
int offset = 0x0848B1CC;
int p = 113001;
#elif COD_VERSION == COD2_1_2
int offset = 0x0849E6CC;
int p = 113069;
#elif COD_VERSION == COD2_1_3
int offset = 0x0849F74C;
int p = 113069;
#warning set_bot_pings() got no working addresses
int offset = 0x0;
int p = 0;

for (i = 0; i < *(int*)(*(int*)(offset) + 8); i++)
if(*(int*)(*(int*)playerinfo_base + i * playerinfo_size) == 4)
addrtype = gsc_libcod_getAddressType(i);
if(addrtype == 0)
*(int*)(*(int*)playerinfo_base + i * playerinfo_size + (p*4)) = 0;

Then search for

cracking_hook_function(0x08092D5C, (int)SV_AddServerCommand);

in libcod.cpp and add the following to your versions;

#if COD_VERSION == COD2_1_0
hook_set_bot_pings = new cHook(0x0809443E, (int)set_bot_pings);
#elif COD_VERSION == COD2_1_2
hook_set_bot_pings = new cHook(0x0809630E, (int)set_bot_pings);
#elif COD_VERSION == COD2_1_3
hook_set_bot_pings = new cHook(0x080963C8, (int)set_bot_pings);

This will change bot pings from 999 to 0 or whatever you set

*(int*)(*(int*)playerinfo_base + i * playerinfo_size + (p*4)) = 0;



kung foo man
1st June 2015, 02:23
Nice work :D

1st June 2015, 08:08
Some background info on this:
This script basically hooks the setpings() method and afterwards loops through all slots, checks if there's a connected player (status 4) in said slot, and sets its ping to 0 if its a bot. Normal players and not-fully-connected bots remain unaffected.