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22nd February 2015, 16:31

22nd February 2015, 17:05
You could try to send '\FF\FF\FF\FFgetstatus' or '\FF\FF\FF\FFgetinfo' with UDP and store the information that you get back.

kung foo man
22nd February 2015, 18:52
A little collection:

Master server list:

$ echo -e "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetservers 117 full empty" | nc cod2master.activision.com -u 20710
ëq1\l=pq \U[Ì\Uc\Dè§Úq \°


$ echo -e '\xff\xff\xff\xffrcon thyPassword status' | netcat -u 28933
map: dr_beatwater
num score ping guid name lastmsg address qport rate
--- ----- ---- ------ --------------- ------- --------------------- ----- -----


$ echo -e '\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus' | netcat -u 28933
\fs_game\dr_v4\g_antilag\1\g_gametype\zom\gamename \Call of Duty 2\mapname\dr_beatwater\protocol\117\shortversion\1 .2\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_hostna me\^2K^3~^2DeathRun ^2Rounds ^3: ^23 ^3/ ^210 ^7killtube.org\sv_maxclients\15\sv_maxPing\0\sv_ma xRate\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_privateClients\0\sv_punkbu ster\0\sv_pure\1\sv_voice\0\pswrd\0\mod\1


$ echo -e '\xff\xff\xff\xffgetinfo' | netcat -u 28933
\protocol\117\hostname\^2K^3~^2DeathRun ^2Rounds ^3: ^23 ^3/ ^210 ^7killtube.org\mapname\dr_beatwater\sv_maxclients\ 15\gametype\zom\pure\1\game\dr_v4\kc\1\hw\1\mod\1\ voice\0\pb\-4598016


$ echo -e '\xff\xff\xff\xffgetchallenge' | netcat -u 28933
ÿÿÿÿchallengeResponse -1508048936

"getstatus" responds with all the info that qplug or qspy can see about the server and all connected players. Used for getting detailed information after the simple info query. It is sent along with a challenge string. The server will respond with a "getstatusResponse" packet.

"getinfo" responds with a short info message that should be enough to determine if a user is interested in a server to do a full status. It is also sent with a challenge string.

"getchallenge" returns a challenge number that can be used in a subsequent connectResponse command. We do this to prevent denial of service attacks that flood the server with invalid connection IPs. With a challenge, they must give a valid IP address. The server will respond with a "challengeResponse" packet.

"connect" is the first step in a client connecting to a server. You send the "connect" string followed by the infoString containing the protocol version of the client, the qport, the challenge string (obtained via getchallenge), and the userinfo.

"rcon" is a remote command to the server. It's sent as "rcon" followed by the server password, followed by the command string to be executed.

28th February 2015, 14:23

28th February 2015, 15:42
In which language is it written? And how do you handle the response? Also a bit of code how sendRequest works would be nice too.

kung foo man
28th February 2015, 16:43
It also might be an iptables rule, which is blocking too fast requests (try to sleep() a second before next request to check).

3rd March 2015, 20:01

13th March 2015, 18:25

13th March 2015, 18:35
How to get number and names of all players playing on the server without having password?

'getstatus' and 'getinfo' should contain the players list. But it doesn't mean player #0 is slot #0.

4th May 2015, 21:01

$server_ip = '';
$server_port = '28960';

$server_info = "udp://" . $server_ip;
@$connectpacket = fsockopen($server_info, $server_port, $re, $errstr, 2);
die('Нету подключения к серверу/Или сервер несуществует!'); //server die, offline
global $server_ip, $server_port;
$sendpacket = '\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus';
fwrite($connectpacket, $sendpacket);
socket_set_timeout($connectpacket, 2);
$otvet = fread($connectpacket, 15000);
if($otvet=='яяяяdisconnect') { die('не удалось подключение, или данные не получены!?'); } //dont results
echo $otvet;


It does not display the result.
server exists.

5th May 2015, 18:06

$server_ip = '';
$server_port = '28960';

$server_info = "udp://" . $server_ip;
@$connectpacket = fsockopen($server_info, $server_port, $re, $errstr, 2);
die('Нету подключения к серверу/Или сервер не существует!'); //server die, offline
global $server_ip, $server_port;
$sendpacket = '\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus';
fwrite($connectpacket, $sendpacket);
socket_set_timeout($connectpacket, 2);
$otvet = fread($connectpacket, 15000);
if($otvet=='яяяяdisconnect') { die('не удалось подключение, или данные не получены!?'); } //dont results
echo $otvet;


It does not display the result.
server exists.
Sry, in the required subject, no one reads :с

5th May 2015, 20:03
This is the code i made a long time ago.

$errno = $errstr = null;
$cmd = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus";
$f = fsockopen('udp://' . $ip, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if (!$f)
die ("Unable to connect. Error $errno - $errstr\n");
socket_set_timeout ($f, 1, 0);
fwrite ($f, $cmd);
$data = '';
while ($d = fread ($f, 10000)) {
$data .= $d;
fclose ($f);


6th May 2015, 12:23

$sendpacket = '........'; //dont true
$sendpacket = "......."; //TRUEEE

thx, Mitch :з

6th May 2015, 19:01

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in Z:\xxx\xxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxxxx.php on line 13

help me!)

$linesinfo = explode("\", $infooservere);
echo "Максимальное количество игроков: " . $linesinfo[1];


I think that the error in the function explode(); because delimetr "\".

kung foo man
6th May 2015, 19:11
" needs to be escaped, hence you need to write "\"", or '"' might work also (with ').

6th May 2015, 20:20
I solved this problem, and now I need to get information on the current number of players on the server ?? What cmd i can do it?
info maxclients: sv_maxclients.
info map: mapname.
info name server: sv_hostname.
info сurrently, the number of players on the server: ?????

10th May 2015, 10:29
I solved this problem, and now I need to get information on the current number of players on the server ?? What cmd i can do it?
info maxclients: sv_maxclients. (30)
info map: mapname.
info name server: sv_hostname.
info сurrent player: ????? (5/30)
sry bad english.

kung foo man
16th April 2024, 10:34
If you want to go over a screen session instead of netcat:

(base) homepc@home-pc:~$ screen -S cod2 -p 0 -X hardcopy ~/tmp_screen.txt; tail -n2 ~/tmp_screen.txt
Server is not running.