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View Full Version : sendgameservercommand and Cmd_ExecuteString docs

14th January 2015, 07:26
Hi all,

I cant find the documentation of sendgameservercommand. How does this work? And when I do
Cmd_ExecuteString( "say welcome to our server!" ); my server crashes without telling me an error. It's a windows home-server and the console just gives me the message "This program doesn't respond anymore" Am I calling this incorrect?

14th January 2015, 08:47
I haven't looked up the address for Cmd_ExecuteString in 1.0.

sendgameservercommand is currently linux only and works like this.

sendgameservercommand(clientnum, message)
-1 as clientnum is all players.

IzNoGoD uses it in his setText tutorial.

14th January 2015, 14:16
Oke so sendgameservercommand doesnt work. But what about cmd_executestring? That link doesnt help me:P

13th September 2016, 19:07
Where can i find/see the servercommands? (like h for chat, d for huds)

13th September 2016, 20:01
They can be found in ida i guess or with some client dll hooks to dump all console prints but i haven't seen anything except /h for chat /i for team chat? and /d for cofnigstrings.

20th September 2016, 21:44
Here's a full list after jumping through decompiled code:

C/67: weapon-related
I/73: something with weapons
I/73: ammo/weapon/health pickup
J/74: ?? something in dropclient
a/97: weapon-related
b/98: not a clue
c/99: inactivedropwarning/not a clue
d/100: setconfigstring
e/101: iprintln
f/102: pickup ammo msg/weapon related
h/104: say backend
i/105: not a clue
w/119: something in dropclient/shutdownserver. Might drop the client in question
x/120: longer setconfigstring, %c %i %s, might be i = total amount of strings to follow, with 121 being an intermediate thing, and 122 being the final one?
y/121: same as above
z/122: same as above