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View Full Version : When Exporting, What is the file that Names Xmodelparts and Xmodelsurfs?

3rd December 2014, 14:18
Whenever I export a model, and compile it using the tools, xmodelparts and xmodelsurfs always gets named "0". Where or what file is responsible for naming them like this? I keep having to delete my .GDT entries because the multiple instances of "0" conflict with each other and the tools throw an error. I would like to name them differently if I can.

3rd December 2014, 15:02
Iirc the number indicates the amount of surfaces/groups/objects in the model?

3rd December 2014, 15:59
actually its modelname + suffix (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1758-CoD-File-Formats&highlight=file+format)

// modelType 0 -> rigid
// modelType 1 -> animated
// modelType 2 -> viewmodel
// modelType 3 -> playerbody
// modelType 4 -> viewhands

maybe deleting the folders convertcache, assetsrccache, assettgtcache helps more?

3rd December 2014, 16:23
actually its modelname + suffix (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1758-CoD-File-Formats&highlight=file+format)

// modelType 0 -> rigid
// modelType 1 -> animated
// modelType 2 -> viewmodel
// modelType 3 -> playerbody
// modelType 4 -> viewhands

maybe deleting the folders convertcache, assetsrccache, assettgtcache helps more?

No, I don't want to work around it. I'm doing that already. I want the xmodelparts and xmodelsurfs file names to come out with the proper name of the model - e.g. dogtags_gold0, prop_flag0, etc. Instead of 0, 0, etc.

3rd December 2014, 16:49
I didnt had that problem? For me it have the same name as the material + a number. mostly "20"

3rd December 2014, 16:57
I didnt had that problem? For me it have the same name as the material + a number. mostly "20"

It should be the same name as the xmodel + "0", or whatever number denotes the modeltype. But it is always "0", even if the materials name is stated. It is tedious to constantly having to hex replace the "0" to the proper name + "0".

3rd December 2014, 18:15
It should be the same name as the xmodel + "0", or whatever number denotes the modeltype. But it is always "0", even if the materials name is stated. It is tedious to constantly having to hex replace the "0" to the proper name + "0".

My mistake. It's indeed the xmodelname +20. But thats weird because its a static worldmodel.

3rd December 2014, 19:47
Do you create extra folders in the model_export where you place the .xmodel_export in? Like for 'viewmodel_weap' make a folder and put the xmodel_export file in there. I think it'll use names then (for CoD1 it's like this)

3rd December 2014, 20:47
Do you create extra folders in the model_export where you place the .xmodel_export in? Like for 'viewmodel_weap' make a folder and put the xmodel_export file in there. I think it'll use names then (for CoD1 it's like this)

Yep, that did the trick. Thanks!