View Full Version : Potato

29th November 2014, 09:53
Hey guys!

In my map, I wanted to spawn potatoes, but I can't find a way to do it. If I do weapon->potato in radiant, that default weapon (horse) spawns instead of the potato. If I do (by script) potato = spawn("potato",(x,y,z));, doesn't work either. There is not a potato_mp btw.

I know this may be a bit pointless but I think it might be cool and bring fun to the players in a zombie map. If you can help leave your comment and I will appreciate :D

29th November 2014, 11:50
copy&paste the 'potato' from weapons/sp to weapons/mp (and maybe adjust)

29th November 2014, 13:16
Have you tried precaching the weapon?

29th November 2014, 14:07
Thanks for your replies :D

What I did was copying the "potato" weapon file from SP to MP and changing its name to "potato_mp". Also I changed the sharedAmmoCap value from 4 to 3 (since cod2 throwed me an error) and the values of the potato's bouncing to make it funnier :D

The result is this:


I should lower the bounce a bit though xD

Thanks guys :)