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View Full Version : Asset Manager Error

12th November 2014, 16:51
Hey, basically I come across a specific error in asset manager while trying to convert a model.

fabs( Vec3Dot( vert->normal, vert->tangent ) ) < EQUAL_EPSILON

Tried to search the web but without success, I did in fact managed to find some references (not related to cod2 but similar problem) but I am not that much into modelling and I can't really understand what the problem is.

Would really appreciate any Intel on this kind of problem in cod2.

12th November 2014, 17:26
Just a guess -

fabs() is a python method of calculating the absolute value of a floating point number. As the COD2 engine has integrated Maya into its tool set using different programming languages - python being one of them - I would say the error itself wont be very helpful to any member of the public. It is a developer error.

Having said that, the real problem is the information in the Vec3Dot() (C++) method - that there is something wrong with your normals.

12th November 2014, 18:06
Ok thanks, I managed to fix this error by splitting the model in half.