View Full Version : Hello, I need help. Responding to a message in the chat.

23rd October 2014, 14:50
Hello, not long ago I saw a server plugin or script that made ​​the console player. but it can not be seen in the table. console responded to numerous reports in her address. I need help how to make a script that will be triggered by a message in the chat.
for example:
Unkown Soldier: hi all //chat
message = "hi all";
if (say == message)
Or if you know, tell me this plugin, I remember that the first time I saw him on the SD server cod2 1.3.
thank you in advance.

23rd October 2014, 15:00

26th October 2014, 18:33
malyczolg the answer you gave me, is only supported with libcod? or can do without it??

26th October 2014, 18:50
There is no way to accomplish this without libcod, unless you are willing to dig really, really deep into games_mp.log, link it to a scriptdata file, have continuous logging enabled etc. By that time, you might as well install libcod and save yourself the trouble mentioned above.

29th October 2014, 12:27
IzNoGoD Thank you, could you tell me about LIBCOD and install it without reference to another topic, and namely himself. Thanks in advance.

29th October 2014, 13:15
IzNoGoD Thank you, could you tell me about LIBCOD and install it without reference to another topic, and namely himself. Thanks in advance.

Your sentence doesnt make much sense in my head.

If you wanna install libcod, go take a look at the libcod github. Your best bet (for compatibility) is to compile it from source, aka ./doit.sh clean ./doit.sh base ./doit.sh cod2_1_YOURVERSIONHERE, then preloading your cod2_lnxded serv with the resulting .so file.

If at any step you get stuck, please create a topic in the libcod subsection of this forum, there are plenty of people who are willing to help here (but, then again, we all have no patience for incompetence)

29th October 2014, 14:04
IzNoGoD thx, I'll try, but still, you do not have a finished script "bot console"