View Full Version : Cracked Server doesnt show up

29th September 2014, 16:02
Hi all,

I got a cracked server (normal cracked), I added the iptables, but the server doesnt show up in the Masterlist. Ive been waiting for 1 hour now. How can I fix this?

29th September 2014, 16:38
Hi all,

I got a cracked server (normal cracked), I added the iptables, but the server doesnt show up in the Masterlist. Ive been waiting for 1 hour now. How can I fix this?

Can you post your console log when you start your server?

The cracked binary doesn't ever use the master server. (the hostname is renamed)
The best way to run a semi-cracked server is libcod with sv_cracked set to 1.

29th September 2014, 17:16
logfile opened on Mon Sep 29 19:00:58 2014

dvar set viewlog 1
execing default_mp.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
execing config_mp_server.cfg
dvar set com_introPlayed 0
dvar set com_maxfps 85
dvar set loc_forceEnglish 0
dvar set loc_language 0
dvar set net_ip
dvar set net_port 28963
dvar set sv_cracked 1
dvar set dedicated 2
dedicated is read only.
dvar set developer 1
dvar set logfile 2
dvar set fs_game cry
fs_game is write protected.
dvar set com_hunkMegs 160
dvar set version CoD2 MP 1.0 build 696 Oct 24 2005 17:45:05 linux-i386
dvar set g_gametype random
dvar set sv_maxclients 20
Opening IP socket:
dvar set net_port 28963
Hostname: vps90080.ovh.net
Alias: vps90080
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
dvar set net_ip
net_ip is write protected.
dvar set net_port 28963
net_port is write protected.
dvar set sv_cracked 1
dvar set dedicated 2
dedicated is read only.
dvar set developer 1
dvar set logfile 2
dvar set fs_game cry
fs_game is write protected.
execing serversd.cfg
dvar set sv_hostname ^1C^9R^7y^1?! ^9CRACKED
dvar set sv_maxclients 32
sv_maxclients will be changed upon restarting.
dvar set sv_privateClients 0
dvar set sv_minPing 0
dvar set sv_maxPing 150
dvar set sv_maxRate 25000
dvar set sv_minPing 0
dvar set sv_maxPing 100
dvar set g_antilag 1
dvar set scr_friendlyfire 0
dvar set scr_killcam 1
dvar set scr_spectatefree 0
dvar set scr_spectateenemy 0
dvar set sv_pure 1
dvar set logfile 2
dvar set g_logSync 1
dvar set scr_teambalance 1
dvar set sv_cheats 0
sv_cheats is write protected.
dvar set sv_floodProtect 1
dvar set sv_fps 20
dvar set ttycon 0
dvar set sv_pure 1
couldn't exec pbsv.cfg
dvar set sv_maxPing 200
dvar set sv_wwwDownload 1
dvar set sv_wwwBaseURL http://
dvar set sv_wwwDlDisconnected 0
dvar set sv_reconnectlimit 3
dvar set sv_pure 1
dvar set sv_allowDownload 1
dvar set sv_gamespy 1
dvar set g_deadChat 1
dvar set sv_disableClientConsole 0
dvar set g_oldVoting 0
dvar set sv_voice 0
dvar set sv_voiceQuality 0
dvar set scr_allow_springfield 1
dvar set scr_allow_svt40 0
dvar set scr_allow_kar98ksniper 1
dvar set scr_allow_nagantsniper 1
dvar set scr_allow_enfieldsniper 1
dvar set scr_allow_enfield 1
dvar set scr_allow_kar98k 1
dvar set scr_allow_m1carbine 0
dvar set scr_allow_m1garand 0
dvar set scr_allow_g43 0
dvar set scr_allow_nagant 1
dvar set scr_allow_bar 0
dvar set scr_allow_bren 0
dvar set scr_allow_mp44 0
dvar set scr_allow_ppsh 0
dvar set scr_allow_turrets 1
dvar set scr_allow_mp40 0
dvar set scr_allow_sten 0
dvar set scr_allow_thompson 0
dvar set scr_allow_pps42 0
dvar set scr_allow_greasegun 0
dvar set scr_allow_shotgun 0
dvar set scr_allow_smokegrenades 0
dvar set scr_allow_fraggrenades 0
dvar set scr_boltaction_nades 1
dvar set scr_sd_graceperiod 15
dvar set scr_sd_roundlength 2
dvar set scr_sd_roundlimit 20
dvar set scr_sd_scorelimit 10
dvar set scr_sd_timelimit 30
dvar set scr_sd_bombtimer 60
dvar set g_gametype sd
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
dvar set sv_mapRotation map mp_toujane map mp_carentan map mp_burgundy map mp_railyard map mp_dawnville
Hitch warning: 1295 msec frame time

"sv_mapRotation" is:"map mp_toujane map mp_carentan map mp_burgundy map mp_railyard map mp_dawnville"

"sv_mapRotationCurrent" is:""

dvar set sv_mapRotationCurrent map mp_toujane map mp_carentan map mp_burgundy map mp_railyard map mp_dawnville
dvar set sv_mapRotationCurrent mp_toujane map mp_carentan map mp_burgundy map mp_railyard map mp_dawnville
dvar set sv_mapRotationCurrent map mp_carentan map mp_burgundy map mp_railyard map mp_dawnville
Setting map: mp_toujane.
dvar set g_gametype sd
dvar set g_gametype sd
dvar set mapname mp_toujane
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: mp_toujane
Current search path:
/root/cod2/cry/zzz_cry.iwd (42 files)
/root/cod2/main/14.iwd (4038 files)
/root/cod2/main/13.iwd (22624 files)
/root/cod2/main/12.iwd (1016 files)
/root/cod2/main/11.iwd (1462 files)
/root/cod2/main/10.iwd (1936 files)
/root/cod2/main/09.iwd (2142 files)
/root/cod2/main/08.iwd (2723 files)
/root/cod2/main/07.iwd (3384 files)
/root/cod2/main/06.iwd (990 files)
/root/cod2/main/05.iwd (928 files)
/root/cod2/main/04.iwd (698 files)
/root/cod2/main/03.iwd (26 files)
/root/cod2/main/00.iwd (102 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw10.iwd (414 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw09.iwd (98 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw08.iwd (8 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw07.iwd (1014 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw06.iwd (3110 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw05.iwd (5310 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw04.iwd (6240 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw03.iwd (6580 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw02.iwd (6404 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw01.iwd (5510 files)
/root/cod2/main/localized_english_iw00.iwd (4764 files)

File Handles:
handle 1: console_mp_server.log
81563 files in iwd files
dvar set com_expectedHunkUsage 86289088
dvar set nextmap map_restart
dvar set cl_paused 0
dvar set sv_serverid 16
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: Call of Duty 2
gamedate: Oct 24 2005
Game: G_SetupWeaponDef
dvar set g_gametype sd
dvar set sv_maxclients 32
dvar set dedicated 2
dvar set dedicated 2
dvar set g_useholdspawndelay 1
dvar set g_gravity 800
dvar set sv_hostname ^1C^9R^7y^1?! ^9CRACKED
dvar set scr_motd
dvar set g_allowVote 0
dvar set ui_allowvote 0
dvar set scr_friendlyfire 0
frag_grenade_british_mp: WEAPON_FRAGGRENADE
smoke_grenade_british_mp: WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE
frag_grenade_german_mp: WEAPON_FRAGGRENADE
smoke_grenade_german_mp: WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE
dvar set g_TeamName_Allies MPUI_BRITISH
dvar set g_TeamColor_Allies 0.25098 0.25098 0.74902 0
dvar set g_ScoresBanner_Allies mpflag_british
dvar set g_TeamName_Axis MPUI_GERMAN
dvar set g_TeamColor_Axis 0.6 0.6 0.6 0
dvar set g_ScoresBanner_Axis mpflag_german
dvar set scr_killcam 1
=============================== DVAR DUMP ========================================

318 total dvars
318 dvar indexes
=============================== END DVAR DUMP =====================================
dvar set sv_iwds 89618576 -1449716526 780394069 -1333623355 -1980843666 1334775335 -621896007 1101180720 1046874969 1053665859 1842349204 -1652414412 1659111092 178615151
dvar set sv_iwdNames zzz_cry 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 00
dvar set sv_referencedIwds 89618576 780394069 1101180720 1046874969 1053665859 -1652414412
dvar set sv_referencedIwdNames cry/zzz_cry main/13 main/08 main/07 main/06 main/04
dvar set sv_cheats 0
dvar set pam_mode pub
dvar set scr_friendlyfire 0
dvar set scr_killcam 1
dvar set scr_teambalance 1
dvar set g_antilag 1
execing pws.cfg
dvar set sv_privatePassword
dvar set g_password
dvar set rcon_password test
Hitch warning: 2658 msec frame time
Sending heartbeat to cod2master.activision.com

29th September 2014, 18:22
Sending heartbeat to cod2master.activision.com

If you see this heartbeat message it should show up in the master list.

Can you post the relevant iptables rules that you are using?

Edit: see my attachment for a Java application i wrote a time ago for receiving and parsing the master server list. (NetBeans project)

29th September 2014, 19:28
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m string --algo bm --string "BANNED_CDKEY" --sport 20700 --dport 28963 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m string --algo bm --string "INVALID_CDKEY" --sport 20700 --dport 28963 -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT -p UDP --sport 20700 -s cod2master.activision.com -j REJECT

Server has port 28963

How do I use that Java app?

29th September 2014, 20:11
iptables -I INPUT -p UDP --sport 20700 -s cod2master.activision.com -j REJECT

This line reject all traffic coming from the master server. It could be the reason that your server isn't listed.

How do I use that Java app?
It is a NetBeans project. So install NetBeans (https://netbeans.org/) (+JDK (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index-jsp-138363.html)) and then open the project (select the folder). Now click on the green button to run the project.
The application will output the server list to the console.

30th September 2014, 06:02
IP count: 588 (1.3)
Total time: 13.734s
Finished at: Tue Sep 30 07:59:33 CEST 2014
Final Memory: 10M/24M

But I run a server from my vps and not from home.
I got my cracked binary from this website
http://gf.wiretarget.com/call_of_duty_2.htm (Linux 1.0)

30th September 2014, 07:32
If you run it from a vps, why dont you install libcod?

30th September 2014, 09:18
I have, but I want also a normal cracked server without libcod. I have 2 libcod cracked servers running fine and they are shown in the list. So its weird that that server doesnt show up. @Mitch, I deleted that rule without success

30th September 2014, 14:41
I have, but I want also a normal cracked server without libcod. I have 2 libcod cracked servers running fine and they are shown in the list. So its weird that that server doesnt show up. @Mitch, I deleted that rule without success

It is probably the binary. (looking now into the changes)
You should use the original binary with iptables.

Edit: it blocks sending a response to the master server and it prevents the game from resolving the master server domain.
Edit 2: there is by default no delay when joining which probably causes a lot of guid 0. (1.0 in general)

30th September 2014, 14:45
I must use original cod2 binary? And only add the iptable rules and then it should be fine?

30th September 2014, 14:53
I must use original cod2 binary? And only add the iptable rules and then it should be fine?

Yes, but using libcod is a better solution. (and using iptables might cause weird issues like duplicated guids instead of 0)

30th September 2014, 17:47
When I use normal binary + iptables, the server is listed but isnt cracked