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View Full Version : Lagg on server

11th September 2014, 17:33
Hi all,

I have a vps from OVH. http://www.ovh.nl/vps/vps-classic.xml
The 5 euro one. It runs smoothly, but as soon as there is more than 2 players, the server laggs. Pings increase. But when I check RAM its pretty low and same as processor thing. The mod has no errors. Is it possible that libcod laggs the server? Or that the 5 euro vps isnt good enough? I know there are some others in this forum hosting from VPS. Please let me know :)

11th September 2014, 18:13
Are you doing a lot of bullettraces?

kung foo man
11th September 2014, 20:33
Just disable libcod and test again with 2 players. There are some functions, which can lag the server, like system() and the mysql-functions (for long queries), but the other functions should be very fast (just some lines of C). And there are no background threads.

I would firstly test some stock gametype like sd. When the normal gametypes work normally, disable some CoDScript threads in your mod, or as IzNoGod said bullettraces, check if log-files are flooded for some reason (Input/Output devices are often under heave load on VPS), loops without wait 0.05. And ofc with developer 1. ^^

12th September 2014, 01:35
Looks like you are using OpenVZ. This means CPU resources are always shared with other clients on the same box. If someone else is running a CPU intensive task - it will affect you.

You need to find a host with KVM or Xen. These give you guaranteed server resources.

12th September 2014, 14:30
Are you doing a lot of bullettraces?
Its rifle only mod. So no bullettraces or custom threads :/ Also the log doesnt show anything.

But i know there are more people on this forum who use OVH. Do you have laggs aswell?

12th September 2014, 15:57
Not using a VPS though.

Dedicated ftw