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View Full Version : Connect magazine with bone

5th September 2014, 17:19
Hello Guys!
I've got a question: How I can connect a bone with a mesh, so that in reload the magazine will take out?
I already looked up for it and found something (link: https://sites.google.com/site/blendertocod2/xanim ):

In Object Mode, select the wheel object and then SHIFT-select the Armature so that both are selected. The order in which you select them is important. Press Ctrl+P to bring up the parenting menu and choose 'Armature' from the options. Next, choose Name Groups. A broken line should appear between the wheel object and the armature.

Deselect everything, then repeat the steps above to parent the axle object to the armature.

Select the wheel object and enter Edit Mode.
Make sure that all the vertices are selected.
1. Under Vertex Groups in the Links and Materials panel, click on the browse button and choose wheelbn (the name of the bone).
2. Click on the Assign button.
Go back to Object Mode and deselect the wheel object.

But I can't select a bone (which is connected with an other bone) and the magazine together.


I don't know what to do now.
Can someone help me, please?


5th September 2014, 20:55
I want that the magazine will be taken if I am reloading. I have to connect a bone with the magazine somehow...

Edit: fixed

How to fix?

1. Object Mode
2. Select first mesh, then Armature
3. Ctr + P > With Automatic Weights
4. Select mesh what is now in Armature
5. Go to Object Data
6. Vertex Group
7. Delete all bones what should not connect with your mesh