View Full Version : ghost spectator

9th April 2014, 03:56

is there any way to make a player goes invisible on the score menu (just for spectating)?

I want to include this function in my mod.
for example, if the player enters the server with the name "something" does not appear notifications and the player will not be listed on the scores table.

9th April 2014, 06:21

is there any way to make a player goes invisible on the score menu (just for spectating)?

I want to include this function in my mod.
for example, if the player enters the server with the name "something" does not appear notifications and the player will not be listed on the scores table.

Nope, not without a change to the engine.

9th April 2014, 06:58
It is possible to be in axis/allies team and be spectator.
You can do this by setting self.sessionstate from playing to spectator. (and reverse too in order to rejoin the game)

9th April 2014, 07:05
It is possible to be in axis/allies team and be spectator.
You can do this by setting self.sessionstate from playing to spectator. (and reverse too in order to rejoin the game)

yes, i tried using "self.killcam = true;" scriptresponse before dying and it works.
but if I created a hidden menu, like game ["menu_ingame_spectator"]? or a third team..

9th April 2014, 07:13
yes, i tried using "self.killcam = true;" scriptresponse before dying and it works.
but if I created a hidden menu, like game ["menu_ingame_spectator"]? or a third team..

I meant this

self iprintlnbold("^7You are a hidden spectator");
self.sessionstate = "spectator";
self.spectatorclient = -1;
self.archivetime = 0;

self allowSpectateTeam("allies", true);
self allowSpectateTeam("axis", true);
self allowSpectateTeam("freelook", true);
self allowSpectateTeam("none", true);

self iprintlnbold("^7You are now added to the game");
self.sessionstate = "playing";
self.spectatorclient = -1;
self.archivetime = 0;

I can also use killcam like this:

self.sessionstate = "spectator";
self.spectatorclient = int(attackerNum);
self.archivetime = int(time); // total time to watch
self.psoffsettime = offsetTime; // time to start watching (higher number is further from now)

9th April 2014, 08:00
It is possible to be in axis/allies team and be spectator.
You can do this by setting self.sessionstate from playing to spectator. (and reverse too in order to rejoin the game)

I thought his request was to NOT APPEAR AT ALL on the scoreboard. To make a spectator appear in another team is not making them invisible - it's simply changing their team.

9th April 2014, 08:46
Only way to do this is to make a custom scoreboard from scratch.

Here is something I have been working on (Unfinished);


9th April 2014, 10:56
Only way to do this is to make a custom scoreboard from scratch.

Here is something I have been working on (Unfinished);

That's some nice work there. I did a custom scoreboard a few years back but it wasn't as good as that. Mine was very basic.

As to the topic heading - yeah, the only real way to deal with any custom edits to the scoreboard is to make one yourself, and replace the stock one. That way, you can do what you like to it.

9th April 2014, 12:06
That's some nice work there.

Yeah i'm trying to add the ability to rename bots. Hence why I'v been making my own obituary/killfeed & scoreboard.

Besides that its always fun to change stuff the engine normally won't allow.

Only thing left to figure out is how to get rid of their names while spectating them.

9th April 2014, 13:11
Only way to do this is to make a custom scoreboard from scratch.

Here is something I have been working on (Unfinished);


How did you do that? Could you explain?

9th April 2014, 16:43
Yeah i'm trying to add the ability to rename bots. Hence why I'v been making my own obituary/killfeed & scoreboard.

Besides that its always fun to change stuff the engine normally won't allow.

Only thing left to figure out is how to get rid of their names while spectating them.

You could add an HUD above the name as frame and add another one for the name then.
Or while spectating disable all 2D stuff (not this nice tho)
gj on the board mate