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View Full Version : COD-TV technique

23rd March 2014, 19:53
Hey, i stumbld upon this:


and downloaded it from here:

because im curious how they did the smooth motion and z-axis rotation
unfortunately i wasnt able to get around the tricks nor decompile (ff extractor) any useful sources (no scripts etc found)

how do i get behind this?

EDIT: succeeded with Tom BMX's ff extractor

However - how to rtate around Z?!

23rd March 2014, 20:57
didnt know it is possible (was trying this alot of times back in the past...)


for( angle = 0 ; isDefined( self ) ; angle = ( angle + 1 ) % 360 )
self setPlayerAngles( self getPlayerAngles() + ( 0 , 0 , angle ) );

23rd March 2014, 22:28
That is not rotation around the z-axis. Rotation around the z-axis (vertical axis) is a horizontal rotation, when you look around.

As a player has variable forward angle, rotation around x and y axis are not really defined, but we can call them rotation around the forward axis (what this topic is about) and around the right axis (when looking up and down).

You can probably fix it by using a separate spawned entity, rotate that (using rotateto) and linking the player/spectator to it.

24th March 2014, 08:49
That is not rotation around the z-axis. Rotation around the z-axis (vertical axis) is a horizontal rotation, when you look around.
Yeah, you are right, I'll fix it when I'm home, was late this night..

I'll also try to rotate around the Y-axis then (looking up and down), maybe it works too -> CoD2TV mod?! ;-)