View Full Version : Moving huds :D

23rd March 2014, 09:26
How to make moving huds? to they are moving on screen?


23rd March 2014, 09:38
use moveovertime, scaleovertime and fadeovertime

23rd March 2014, 09:39
self endon("disconnect");

self.m destroy();

self.m = newClientHudElem(self);
self.m.x = 550;
self.m.y = 90;
self.m.alignX = "left";
self.m.alpha = 0;
self.m.sort = 50;
self.m.fontScale = 1;
self.m.archived = true;

self.m fadeOverTime(1);
self.m moveOverTime(5);
self.m.alpha = 1;
self.m.label = &"something:";
self.m setValue(self.something);
wait 300;
self.m fadeOverTime(1);
self.m.alpha = 0;
wait 10;

that? its not updating huds..

23rd March 2014, 10:16
you set the coordinates of the hud. Then you do moveovertime(time) and then the new coordinates of the hud

kung foo man
23rd March 2014, 11:50
Learning by example ftw:

self.m moveOverTime(1);
self.m.x = 550;
self.m.y = 90;
wait 1;

self.m moveOverTime(1);
self.m.x = 10;
self.m.y = 10;
wait 1;

self.m moveOverTime(1);
self.m.x = 222;
self.m.y = 222;
wait 1;

self.m moveOverTime(1);
self.m.x = 320;
self.m.y = 240;
wait 1;

23rd March 2014, 11:52
i think its what i want too but i do not knew how create :)
i would like a text who is from left and who rotate for the right
i have the HTML to create on website:

<marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="2" style="color:#000000;font-size:32px;font-family:Arial;">my website<br>

23rd March 2014, 21:05
i think its what i want too but i do not knew how create :)
i would like a text who is from left and who rotate for the right
i have the HTML to create on website:

<marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="2" style="color:#000000;font-size:32px;font-family:Arial;">my website<br>

That makes no sense, he is talking about CoD2 lol

24th March 2014, 07:52
i think its what i want too but i do not knew how create :)
i would like a text who is from left and who rotate for the right
i have the HTML to create on website:

<marquee direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="3" scrolldelay="2" style="color:#000000;font-size:32px;font-family:Arial;">my website<br>

COD2 does not use HTML as a language. Please go to a web building site for your web support.

thank you.

kung foo man
24th March 2014, 08:39
He is just refering to the html-element marquee as an analogy for a hud moving from right to left.

As base you could use this old ad hud script: http://killtube.org/downloads/cod2/exampleserver/main/std/ad.gsc

std\ad::addAd(&"1st marquee", 2, (1,0,0));
std\ad::addAd(&"2nd marquee", 2, (0,1,0));
std\ad::addAd(&"3rd marquee", 2, (0,0,1));

// in startgametype:
thread std\ad::ad();

You basically just need to edit the for loop in ad::ad() to move it with moveOverTime() like shown in the example.

while (1)
for (i=0; i<level.ad.size; i++)
level.hud_ad.fontscale = level.ad[i].scale;
level.hud_ad.color = level.ad[i].color;
level.hud_ad fadeOverTime(1);
level.hud_ad.alpha = 1;
level.hud_ad.label = level.ad[i].ad;
wait 10;
level.hud_ad fadeOverTime(1);
level.hud_ad.alpha = 0;
wait 20;

25th March 2014, 14:40
Is there any way to do a shader from .alpha 0 to .alpha 1 in 5 secounds? I tried it and there is a problem, it just showed the shader instantly. If you try it on the default shader "black", then you will see, that it works. But not on own shaders. I tried already fadeOverTime(time) too, but it doesn't work, only on text.

25th March 2014, 15:33
Shaders work too with fadeovertime

hud = newClientHudElem(self);
hud.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
hud.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
hud setShader("white", 640, 480);
hud.alpha = 1;
hud.x = 0;
hud.y = 0;
hud fadeovertime(2.5);
hud.alpha = 0;

25th March 2014, 16:31
Doesn't work, you tested it with your own texture?
If yes and if it does work, then do a .iwd file and upload here, I want to check it.

Edit: My current HUD script:

hud = newClientHudElem(self);
hud.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
hud.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
hud setShader("texture_test", 640, 480);
hud.alpha = 1;
hud.x = 0;
hud.y = 0;
hud fadeovertime(10);
hud.alpha = 0;

self thread destroyOnDeath(hud);

self waittill("killed_player");

hud destroy();

- spawnHud() will be called if someone is spawning
- destroyOnDeath() will be called if someone die
- the shader "texture_test" is precached
- the hud spawns instantly (visible) and not from visible to invisible

In game it looks like this (after spawned):


25th March 2014, 17:42
The thing I posted works. I use it for flashnade. The shader "white" is a default cod2 shader. I didnt test it with own texture. Maybe you need to compile your shader with certain options to make it work

25th March 2014, 17:48
Is there any way to do a shader from .alpha 0 to .alpha 1 in 5 secounds? I tried it and there is a problem, it just showed the shader instantly. If you try it on the default shader "black", then you will see, that it works. But not on own shaders. I tried already fadeOverTime(time) too, but it doesn't work, only on text.

fadeOverTime() works on shaders as well.

Example of a working fading server logo shader:

if( isdefined( level.svrlogo ) ) level.svrlogo destroy();

if( !isdefined( level.svrlogo ) )
level.svrlogo = newHudElem();
level.svrlogo.x = X;
level.svrlogo.y = Y;
level.svrlogo.hidden = false;
level.svrlogo.alignX = "left";
level.svrlogo.alignY = "top";
level.svrlogo.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
level.svrlogo.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
level.svrlogo.archived = false;
level.svrlogo.hideWhenInMenu = true;
level.svrlogo setShader( game[ "demonlogo" ], W, D );
level.svrlogo.alpha = 0;

for( ;; )

wait looptime;

if( isdefined( level.svrlogo ) ) level.svrlogo fadeOverTime( 2 );
if( isdefined( level.svrlogo) ) level.svrlogo.alpha = .7;

wait screentime;

if( isdefined( level.svrlogo ) ) level.svrlogo fadeOverTime( 2 );
if( isdefined( level.svrlogo ) ) level.svrlogo.alpha = 0;

28th March 2014, 22:40
No, now I found the problem, I looked on the material and image from the shader "black" and "white".
The material name is "black" and the image name is "$black" (open the material from main/iw_13.iwd/materials/black to see what image name it has).
You can also read the options what there is used for the material, but I it's just hard to understand, what they set:

V \     e‘(  P D P c  \ tools black $black colorMap