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View Full Version : Version 2014.03.08

kung foo man
8th March 2014, 00:54
Hey all,

I finally got around to add the native script functions from Richard and merged all changes of Mitch.

Download: http://killtube.org/downloads/libcod/2014_03_08/

List of new functions:

Scr_Function scriptFunctions[] = {
{"printf", gsc_utils_printf, 0},
{"printfline", gsc_utils_printfline, 0}, // adds \n at end

{"mysql_init" , gsc_mysql_init , 0},
{"mysql_real_connect" , gsc_mysql_real_connect , 0},
{"mysql_close" , gsc_mysql_close , 0},
{"mysql_query" , gsc_mysql_query , 0},
{"mysql_errno" , gsc_mysql_errno , 0},
{"mysql_error" , gsc_mysql_error , 0},
{"mysql_affected_rows" , gsc_mysql_affected_rows , 0},
{"mysql_store_result" , gsc_mysql_store_result , 0},
{"mysql_num_rows" , gsc_mysql_num_rows , 0},
{"mysql_num_fields" , gsc_mysql_num_fields , 0},
{"mysql_field_seek" , gsc_mysql_field_seek , 0},
{"mysql_fetch_field" , gsc_mysql_fetch_field , 0},
{"mysql_fetch_row" , gsc_mysql_fetch_row , 0},
{"mysql_free_result" , gsc_mysql_free_result , 0},
{"mysql_real_escape_string", gsc_mysql_real_escape_string, 0},

{"memory_malloc" , gsc_memory_malloc , 0},
{"memory_free" , gsc_memory_free , 0},
{"memory_int_get", gsc_memory_int_get, 0},
{"memory_int_set", gsc_memory_int_set, 0},
{"memory_memset" , gsc_memory_memset , 0},

{"disableGlobalPlayerCollision", gsc_utils_disableGlobalPlayerCollision, 0},
{"getAscii" , gsc_utils_getAscii , 0},
{"system" , gsc_utils_system , 0},
{"file_link" , gsc_utils_file_link , 0},
{"file_unlink" , gsc_utils_file_unlink , 0},
{"file_exists" , gsc_utils_file_exists , 0},
{"FS_LoadDir" , gsc_utils_FS_LoadDir , 0},
{"getType" , gsc_utils_getType , 0},
{"stringToFloat" , gsc_utils_stringToFloat , 0},
{"rundll" , gsc_utils_rundll , 0},
{"RemoveCommand" , gsc_utils_RemoveCommand , 0},

#if COMPILE_TCC == 1
{"tcc_new" , gsc_tcc_new , 0},
{"tcc_add_include_path", gsc_tcc_add_include_path, 0},
{"tcc_add_file" , gsc_tcc_add_file , 0},
{"tcc_run" , gsc_tcc_run , 0},
{"tcc_delete" , gsc_tcc_delete , 0},


List of new entity methods:

Scr_Method scriptMethods[] = {
{"printf", gsc_player_printf, 0}, // rather use sprintf() to re-use iprintlnbold() etc.?

{"getStance" , gsc_player_stance_get , 0},
{"setVelocity" , gsc_player_velocity_set , 0},
{"addVelocity" , gsc_player_velocity_add , 0},
{"getVelocity" , gsc_player_velocity_get , 0},
{ "aimButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_ads , 0},
{ "leftButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_left , 0},
{ "rightButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_right , 0},
{ "forwardButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_forward , 0},
{ "backButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_back , 0},
{ "leanleftButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_leanleft , 0},
{"leanrightButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_leanright , 0},
{ "jumpButtonPressed", gsc_player_button_jump , 0},
{"getIP" , gsc_player_getip , 0},
{"getPing" , gsc_player_getping , 0},
{"getSpectatorClient" , gsc_player_spectatorclient_get, 0},
{"ClientCommand" , gsc_player_ClientCommand , 0},
{"getLastConnectTime" , gsc_player_getLastConnectTime , 0},
{"getLastMSG" , gsc_player_getLastMSG , 0},
{"setAlive" , gsc_entity_setalive , 0},
{"setBounds" , gsc_entity_setbounds , 0},


When you update to this version, you need to clean up the old std-closer-wrapper mess (be happy about that! :D). Best is to rename the std-folder and just fix every "missing function" script-error one by one.

I hope every libcod developer is updating to this version, so we won't get separated by old/new version, so sharing code stays simple. :)

Questions / wishes etc. are all welcome.

Many regards,
kung foo man

8th March 2014, 08:17
Very nice =].
It might be better to remove RemoveCommand. Because it might break your server when you remove the wrong command. I only added it to test if i could replace rcon map with a cvar. But it didn't work as i hoped. When i removed the map function the new map wouldn't load.

Edit: i checked if you can use the same custom function and methods in Windows. You can hook the call of the custom function the same way. But you can't do the same with the custom method, because it isn't a separate call. It is probably possible by hooking one of call that are in the custom method call.

What is the difference between a function and an method?
Edit: Ah a method automatically sends the entity number to the custom method.

Edit: I have got it now working on Windows. (1.3 only)

There is one function missing: Cmd_ExecuteString. (to do rcon tell, rcon say)