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View Full Version : weapons shopping in .menu

11th February 2014, 11:03
Does somebody know how to make weapons shopping in .menu..

if i have 10 money,you don't have enough money,and if i bought it.. to its unlocked..


11th February 2014, 11:09
in weapon_menu.menu.. if i there buy weapon,to i can next time take it.

11th February 2014, 11:13
I know how to
and it is basic programming.

Please try to think for yourself

11th February 2014, 12:02
Does somebody know how to make weapons shopping in .menu..

if i have 10 money,you don't have enough money,and if i bought it.. to its unlocked..


I would suggest you find yourself a money mod, and have a look at how it unlocks items for certain amounts of money. Then, use those principles yourself. Menu items can be locked or unlocked with a dvar. If you don't have enough money, the dvar is 0; if you have enough money, the dvar is 1.

Everything I have learned in modding I have learnt by looking at how other people do it. I have looked at hundreds of other people's mods, and learnt to mod by copying what they do. This is the best way to learn modding, rather than ask on a forum. I only ever ask on a forum when I get really stuck.

11th February 2014, 17:45
i know how to make it.. i tried few hours ago.. but how to make in menu to u can take?

i made with shopping and inventory..