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View Full Version : Moving textures?

8th February 2014, 09:31
Hi guys, i got a question about making a own texture.
I need a skytexture which is moving, not like u make a elevator which is moving, i mean the texture itself moves.
Example: The sky texture has clouds in it, and i want them to move the whole map.
Is this possible? If it is, can someone explain me how to do that?


8th February 2014, 11:16
CoD2 doesn't support dynamic textures.

kung foo man
8th February 2014, 11:35
In DX7 mode there are moving shaders, like the moving chain of the tank-xmodel. In DX9 you can make like everything... LSD shaders, flashlights etc. The pity is just that many ppl use DX7 for higher fps (at least I guess so lol).

I'm not that familiar with the shaders yet, but its definitly possible. You can find all the shaders in materials/-folder (search through the .iwd-files or unzip them all)

That's also the reason why I posted the training resources, in hope that more killtube ppl dig up the possibilities of the great CoD2 engine: http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1784-Resources-to-learn-Shaders :)

8th February 2014, 11:51
Well good spot, never thought it would be possible to create such textures for cod2, the biggest surprise is the water, in sp it's still like they could not make it even a little bit more realistic.

9th February 2014, 14:10
Well, you can use effects too (a moving smoke shader, making it similar to clouds.. xD)