View Full Version : Player camera facing down...

28th January 2014, 18:05
Hey, I would like to make a rocket that flies down.
The thing is that I want to address in this way the player or his head like in this screenshot:

622 (http://www31.speedyshare.com/s94yS/download/player.jpg)

28th January 2014, 18:12
Moved to appropriate forum.

Next time, please pick the forum you want to create a thread in more carefully.

kung foo man
28th January 2014, 19:04
I don't really understand what you need atm, can you describe the problem more?

Do you have already some code with the missing piece of code? Would help to understand the question :D

28th January 2014, 19:06
set view:
while( 1337 )
player setPlayerAngles( vectorToAngles( 0 , 0 , -1 ) );

but you cannot change the models orientation without a new animstate (almost impossible)

28th January 2014, 19:10
I think he want to make a bomb like MW2. U shoot a rocket from a plane and u can move it while going down. You cant go back to the air again, you always go to the ground

28th January 2014, 20:22
Ni3ls, exactly it I had in mind :)
self setplayerangles(vectortoangles(0,0,-1)); is not work's, i see this error:

******* script runtime error *******
type int is not a vector: (file 'files/itemsystem/_rocketlandair.gsc', line 11)
self setplayerangles(vectortoangles(0,0,-1));

28th January 2014, 20:44
self setplayerangles(vectortoangles( (0,0,-1) ));

28th January 2014, 21:00
This is the same PatmanSan...
His error: type int is not a vector

28th January 2014, 21:01
aaa (()) ok, thanks PatmanSan ;)

28th January 2014, 21:07
BTW: you can set the player's angles to face down without the need for vectortoangles:

self setplayerangles( (90,0,0) );

Same thing.

28th January 2014, 21:27
Not of really what I meant, because this:
self setplayerangles(vectortoangles( (0,0,-1) ));
This is same what this:
self setplayerangles((90,0,0));

I mean the camera orientation player, but you serthy say me that is not impossible... hm, ok thaks evryone.

28th January 2014, 22:50
I mean the camera orientation player, but you serthy say me that is not impossible... hm, ok thaks evryone.

sry, missed the braces
yh, i said that its almost impossible to orient the playermodel upside down, but is it that what you want?
for a MW2 styled predator rocket just do that what patmansan wrote and move your rocket in the players facing direction. for that you hide the players body anyway

29th January 2014, 08:36
Yes, I would like to change the player orientation in script as pictured in radiant.
I know I could do so as he wrote PatmanSan but i would like to see how looks to change orientation player :P

29th January 2014, 09:00
Let the player face the way u want, like Pat said.
Hide body
Spawn a tag_origin in front of him and link him to that
Let the tag_origin move to where you are looking.
But convert the way you are looking to 0.05*x, 0.05*y, 0.05*z so you will be still facing downwards and can move a little bit.
If attackbutton is pressed, do more speed
If you are close enough to the ground explode

29th January 2014, 14:07
Ok, thanks everyone for help me :)