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View Full Version : How do limit one sentry!!

15th January 2014, 20:03
If I take one sentry how to put that I can not take the next sentry while this does not destroy that I set?
to limit sentry at the current player who took it that he can not take another until you destroy this as it is set..

plss help..

15th January 2014, 20:15
// Moved, to correct forum.

15th January 2014, 20:37
Is it really that hard to make a variable based If, else statement?

On player connect set
self.isUsingSentry = False;

And then

if(self.isUsingSentry != True)
self.isUsingSentry = True;
// Your sentry script goes here,
// Wait until the sentry is over and set self.isUsingSentry back to False
self.isUsingSentry = False;

self iPrintlnBold("You have already planted a sentry gun, please wait until it's over !");

Of course self in this case is the player [entity].