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View Full Version : Problem with "if(getCvar" function

27th December 2013, 23:06
Hi everyone ! :o

So... New trouble. I added to my mod, something like a "bash time" on end of map, nobody have ammo.


setCvar("fun_bashtime", "0");


self giveWeapon(self.pers["weapon"]);
self setSpawnWeapon(self.pers["weapon"]);

if(getCvar("fun_bashtime") == 1)
self setWeaponSlotAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self setWeaponSlotClipAmmo("primaryb", 0);

if(getCvar("fun_bashtime") == 0)
self giveMaxAmmo(self.pers["weapon"]);


if(secondsleft == 180)
setCvar("fun_bashtime", "1");

I allways have ammo. Why not work? No comment my way :) ps. sry for english :>

27th December 2013, 23:30
cvar returns a string
try getcvarint.

ninjaedit: also, that only works once a player goes through spawnplayer(), which it might not be. Try doing /kill when bashmode is enabled

28th December 2013, 02:13
As well you could try setting a new variable instead of cvar like
fun_bashtime = 1;

// and then

if(fun_bashtime == 1)
self setWeaponSlotAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self setWeaponSlotClipAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self giveMaxAmmo(self.pers["weapon"]);

Anyway for my own info, is there any advantage of setting a cvar over variables?

28th December 2013, 09:52
As well you could try setting a new variable instead of cvar like
fun_bashtime = 1;

// and then

if(fun_bashtime == 1)
self setWeaponSlotAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self setWeaponSlotClipAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self giveMaxAmmo(self.pers["weapon"]);

Anyway for my own info, is there any advantage of setting a cvar over variables?

Probably due to the fact you can rcon-change it.

Also, your code uses local vars, which is not the most useful thing to do...

28th December 2013, 10:43
As well you could try setting a new variable instead of cvar like
fun_bashtime = 1;

// and then

if(fun_bashtime == 1)
self setWeaponSlotAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self setWeaponSlotClipAmmo("primaryb", 0);
self giveMaxAmmo(self.pers["weapon"]);

Anyway for my own info, is there any advantage of setting a cvar over variables?

Anyway for my own info, is there any advantage of setting a cvar over variables?

The advantages of using variables instead of seeking the value of a cvar come into its own when seeking the value for a client/player, as you cannot get the value of a cvar for a client/player without using a menu. Hence, getting a client/player variable is the done thing. I typically turn all cvars into variables and seek the value of variables habitually as it is more sure-fire.

28th December 2013, 11:26
Ok, problem fixed. i paste setCvar("fun_bashtime", "0"); in for(;;) xD I don't see this.

28th December 2013, 12:27
That's just wow.

kung foo man
28th December 2013, 13:13
There are sometimes strange bugs with cvar-functions, like:


iwdString = getcvar("sv_iwdNames");
iwds = strTok(iwdString, " ");

Not Working:

iwds = strTok(getcvar("sv_iwdNames"), " ");

"Logically" thats the same code, but a getcvar-function used directly as an argument for another function fails for some reason. I dont see that bug here, but might help somebody at some point.

28th December 2013, 13:35
does this only occur in strtok()?

since strtok is fcked up in CoD, even somewhere in the standart gsc files it was rewritten

28th December 2013, 13:51
if(secondsleft == 180)
setCvar("fun_bashtime", "1");

Do you get secondsleft like this?

timepassed = (getTime() - level.starttime) / 1000;
timelimit = level.timelimit*60;
secondsleft = timelimit - timepassed;

I'm asking it because I created a little code to play those time warning sounds from Counter Strike. It will play at 30 and 20 seconds left and also a countdown from 10 to 1.

This did not work for me:

if(timelimit - timepassed == 30)

if(timelimit - timepassed == 20)

if(timelimit - timepassed == 10)

And this worked:

if((timelimit - timepassed > 29.7)&&(timelimit - timepassed < 30.3))

if((timelimit - timepassed > 19.7)&&(timelimit - timepassed < 20.3))

if((timelimit - timepassed > 9.7)&&(timelimit - timepassed < 10.3))

It probably happens because checkTimeLimit is called every 1 second. So, I'm curious to know how you made it work with if(secondsleft == 180).

28th December 2013, 15:44
timepassed = (getTime() - level.starttime) / 1000;
secondsleft = int( (level.timelimit*60) - timepassed + 0.5 );

28th December 2013, 16:17
My code works, but when sounds plays to late, just add one second. :)

passedtime = (getTime() - level.starttime) / 1000;
secondsleft = int((level.timelimit*60) - (passedtime));

if(secondsleft == 180)

////your code


28th December 2013, 18:42
In my code I'm using a float variable, and you are using an integer, that's probably why.