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View Full Version : [READ BEFORE POSTING] Guide on asking for help

25th December 2013, 01:02
As the forums seem to become flooded with requests for help where multiple additional posts are needed before a solution is found, I came up with a list of questions one should answer when asking for help:

- What is the problem? ("does not work" is not a "problem"). Describe the expected behaviour and the actual behaviour of your script

- Are you testing with developer enabled? If not, go try that first, then report back.

- Keep in mind that you have to post your actual code

- Does your code at ANY point make use of the word "self"? If so, show how you are calling your function. Also state what you are EXPECTING self to be. (read http://modsonline.com/Forums-top-134675.html for more)

- What fixes did you try? If none, try some out before posting.

For the more hard-headed individuals I made a nice flowchart: