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View Full Version : [CoD2] Latest cod2 linux binaries (1.0, 1.2, 1.3)

14th December 2013, 18:32
(1.0a is the latest 1.0 version)
(1.2c is the latest 1.2 version)

va = the VA patch fixed[1 (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?935-CoD2-1-2-va()-Bug-Patch)]
loc = no spam of non-localized strings[1 (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?935-CoD2-1-2-va()-Bug-Patch)]
cracked = replaces cod2master.activision.com with an invalid address and sets join delay to 5
no delay = sets join delay to 5 (useful when the master server is down or blocked by iptables[2 (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1337-CoD2-Tutorial-How-to-make-your-cracked-server-show-up-in-the-master-list)] )

kung foo man
14th December 2013, 18:53
Could you add "delay" and "cracked" to the legend? How they work e.g. if they need your iptables-rules

14th December 2013, 19:13
Could you add "delay" and "cracked" to the legend? How they work e.g. if they need your iptables-rules

I edited my first post. I can also add cod4 binary (including the query limiter).

14th December 2013, 19:45
delay set to 0 or to 5 like most cracked servers have?

14th December 2013, 20:06
delay set to 0 or to 5 like most cracked servers have?

5, because i copied it from the cracked binary. (updated first post)

(edit: apparently the value in cracked is 4250 ms and 1200000 ms (20 minutes) for normal servers)

.text:0808D428 cmp eax, 124F80h (1.3)

15th December 2013, 09:24
Linux 1.0a patches with call va() patch[1 (http://aluigi.altervista.org/patches/cod2vawo10linux.lpatch)]

This unofficial patch for Call of Duty 2 is a work-around for the following
- Attempted to overrun string in call to va()
.................................................. ..............................
. this problem happens when the game tries to build a string longer than 1024
. chars using va(), the function which calls snprintf and returns a pointer to
. its static buffer.
. Seems that this problem is caused by too much map names which overflow the
. info string containing the names and crc of the game maps, but it could be
. also exploited by some attackers (no proof-of-concept known at the moment).
. The reason of the limiting of the buffer size from the old 32000 bytes to only
. 1024 is a mistery which nobody knows...
. The solution I have adopted for stopping this bug is just the skipping of the
. Com_Error call which shutdowns the server and the setting of len to zero.
. This is the best choice versus attacks that exploit this bug but I don't know
. if this solution is good for the maps problem too, admins refer to this
. problem as map rotation or sum mismatch bug too:
. http://www.iwnation.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=24161
This legacy patch works only with version 1.0 for Linux

(no spam of non-localized strings version of 1.0a is untested)

Added 1.2c nodelay binaries[1 (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1337-CoD2-Tutorial-How-to-make-your-cracked-server-show-up-in-the-master-list&p=6164&viewfull=1#post6164)][2 (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1337-CoD2-Tutorial-How-to-make-your-cracked-server-show-up-in-the-master-list&p=6168&viewfull=1#post6168)]

15th December 2013, 10:26
Possible to combine the patches in 1 single binary file for 1.0?

15th December 2013, 19:36
Hi, so, which file is, what show the masterserver, and no must waiting 20mins?

16th December 2013, 08:21
Hi, so, which file is, what show the masterserver, and no must waiting 20mins?

You need the nodelay binary and then you need to add iptables.
See this thread: http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1337-CoD2-Tutorial-How-to-make-your-cracked-server-show-up-in-the-master-list

Or use my libcod version (1.0 and 1.2 are currently untested). There is no need for a updated binary. But it is recommended to use the va_loc one.

16th December 2013, 13:50
Thanks Mitch!
So, cod2_lnxded_1_3_nodelay.zip, and change dport to my server port? I use 1.3 cracked linux server.