View Full Version : Accept cracked players

3rd December 2013, 20:31
In the code below it intercepts the deny message that kicks cracked players and replaces it with accept.

void hook_ServerCommand( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg )
if (strncmp (msg->data,"˙˙˙˙ipAuthorize", 15) == 0)
if(strstr (msg->data, "deny") != NULL)
char d[100];
char * pch = strtok (msg->data, " ");

while(pch != NULL)
if(strcmp (pch, "deny") == 0)
strcpy (pch, "accept");

strcat (d, pch);
pch = strtok (NULL, " ");

if(pch != NULL)
strcat (d, " ");

msg->data = d;
printf("Data: %s\n", msg->data);

void (*SV_ConnectionlessPacket)( netadr_t from, msg_t * msg );
(*(int *)&SV_ConnectionlessPacket) = 0x0809594E;
return SV_ConnectionlessPacket(from, msg);

cracking_hook_call(0x08096126, (int)hook_ServerCommand);

(the code above works only for 1.3, other patches can be easily added)

4th December 2013, 11:12
Hello there Mitch,

Just a few questions:
Does it allow cracked players to connect to the server but still have their normal guid?
How Do I compile the code?
And finally how Do I use it in practice?

4th December 2013, 17:17
Hello there Mitch,

Just a few questions:
Does it allow cracked players to connect to the server but still have their normal guid?
How Do I compile the code?
And finally how Do I use it in practice?

You can find the code to compile here:
https://github.com/M-itch/libcod (my fork of libcod)

It works the same way as libcod, it needs to be preloaded. Normal players still have their guids, because my patch doesn't do anything to those players. For cracked players: they will have guid 0, but it is possible they will have a pb guid.

(Note: you do not need to modify your binary for the join timeout, but it is useful to have when the master server is down )

4th December 2013, 17:25
Ok thank you for your answers, the last question was crap, I just wasn't thinking when I wrote that.

And one final thing, can you think of any possible way that would allow cracked and normal players to play with their normal guid but the cracked player would not get kicked?

24th December 2013, 21:49
My latest version is available at: http://znation.nl/libcod


But i am not sure if my latest modification fixes the bad command byte warning. I only tested it a little bit.

Edit: this version gives bad command byte. So it isn't recommended to use.

1st January 2014, 12:10
I am currently trying this:

void hook_ServerCommand( netadr_t from, msg_t *msg )
if (strncmp (msg->data,"\xff\xff\xff\xffipAuthorize", 15) == 0)
char * pch = strstr (msg->data, "deny");

if(pch != NULL)
strncpy (pch,"demo",4); // replace 'deny' with 'demo' (now you need to set fs_restrict in cod to allow the deny players)
printf("%s\n", msg->data);

void (*SV_ConnectionlessPacket)( netadr_t from, msg_t * msg );
(*(int *)&SV_ConnectionlessPacket) = hook_ConnectionlessPacket;
return SV_ConnectionlessPacket(from, msg);


From quake source code:

if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "demo" ) ) {
if ( Cvar_VariableValue( "fs_restrict" ) ) {
// a demo client connecting to a demo server
NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, svs.challenges[i].adr,
"challengeResponse %i", svs.challenges[i].challenge );
// they are a demo client trying to connect to a real server
NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, svs.challenges[i].adr, "print\nServer is not a demo server\n" );
// clear the challenge record so it won't timeout and let them through
Com_Memset( &svs.challenges[i], 0, sizeof( svs.challenges[i] ) );
if ( !Q_stricmp( s, "accept" ) ) {
NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_SERVER, svs.challenges[i].adr,
"challengeResponse %i", svs.challenges[i].challenge );

With fs_restrict 0

Now it replaces 'fs_restrict' with 'sv_cracked'.


char * cracked = (char *)"sv_cracked";
memcpy((void *)(fsrestrict_ServerCommand+3), &cracked, 4);

Check in the hook if sv_cracked is 1 and then replace deny with demo. (works in latest commit)

(included support for 1.0 and 1.2)

New binaries are available at: http://znation.nl/libcod/

29th March 2014, 16:56
Since a while libcod just returns accept when sv_cracked is 1. (i am hooking the call where it reads the state)

set sv_cracked "1"

char * hook_AuthorizeState( int arg )
char * s = Cmd_Argv(arg);

if ((CvarVariableValue == NULL || CvarVariableValue("sv_cracked") == 1) && strcmp (s, "deny") == 0)
return "accept";

return s;

#if COD_VERSION == COD2_1_0 || COD_VERSION == COD2_1_2 || COD_VERSION == COD2_1_3
cracking_hook_call(hook_AuthorizeState_call, (int)hook_AuthorizeState);

This is the safest and best way.