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View Full Version : Vector-class with template

29th November 2013, 19:58
Okay, this is actually C++ but i didnt want to open a new thread for it

basically i wrote a simple 3d vector class and i wanted to template it in the way you can pass in any 3d vector in its constructor:

template< typename T >
class Vec3

T x , y , z;

template< class Tvec >
Vec3( const Tvec& v );

template< typename T >
template< class Tvec >
Vec3< T >::Vec3( const Tvec& v )
x = T( v.x );
y = T( v.y );
z = T( v.z );

//Needed useage (Bullet's btVector3 as example):

btVector3 v1 = btVector3( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 );
Vec3 v2 = Vec3( v1 );

The error:

error C2228: left of '.x' must have class/struct/union
error C2228: left of '.y' must have class/struct/union
error C2228: left of '.z' must have class/struct/union

29th November 2013, 23:04
Thank you Kung :D

i did some more testing and changed the function from the constructor to a normal method called 'from' - voilą the error is gone
I dont know if its done right or if i did something on the constructor wrong...mhhh actually i would like to work with the constructor on there^^

10th December 2013, 19:01
template< typename T >
class Vec3

T x , y , z;

//explicit to stop unlimited implicit typeconersations a la Vec3<int> v = randomType;
//you have declare it this way: Vec3<int> v( randomType );
template< class Tvec >
explicit Vec3( const Tvec& v );

template< typename T >
template< class Tvec >
Vec3< T >::Vec3( const Tvec& v )
this->x = T( v.x );
this->y = T( v.y );
this->z = T( v.z );

seems to work

seems that my first example now compiles fine also.. ;(

@kung under me: heheheh we will see, give me some time xxP

kung foo man
10th December 2013, 19:03
Not even 20 lines and nobody understands C++ anymore, C FTW :>