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View Full Version : Call Vote (Add time)

18th November 2013, 00:07
Hey guys..
I changed the complete callvote menu.
No i want to add a button to vote for more time so if the vote passed the timelimit will be increased by 15min.
I already created a function to add 15min but i have absolutly no idea how to create a vote option for it.. :(
Can someone please explain how to do it? I cant find anything about voting in the game scripts..

Sorry for my bad english! :x

kung foo man
18th November 2013, 15:42
You can hook up the "vote"-command with the ClientCommand-Callback: http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1201-Extension-Player-Command-Control-(includes-CHAT-Control-for-Builtin-B3!)

When your "vote addtime" command calls the callback, you can print your own yellow text with Yes/No and time, e.g. by huds or some .menu-file. You need to replace the vote-logic also of course (by detecting the "vote yes", "vote no" binds in your script on F1/F2).

You can check IzNoGods JumpersHeaven Mod for a live example: http://www.jumpersheaven.com/

18th November 2013, 23:43
Is there any way to do that without libcod?

19th November 2013, 08:35
Make an additional menu with keyresponse. Or make a menu where people can press 1 for yes or 2 for no for example