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View Full Version : how check open menu ?

3rd November 2013, 21:27
how check menu?
if menu isn't opened

if(self.login == 0 && xxxxxx)
self openMenu("caccount_login");

7th November 2013, 10:58
You can't check that via script. You can only store in a variable, if you have opened a menu, and clear that if you have closed. But that's really time-consuming I think. In my mod I have stored if some important menus are opened, and ignored the others, there isn't a proper solution for this I think.

7th November 2013, 14:58
Here's some older thread of mine where I asked the exact same thing. Maybe it helps. But actually is the same content iCore already stated.

7th November 2013, 15:16
do a menuresponse onopen and one onclose.

Then figure out the rest yourself