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View Full Version : How to remove team scores in top-left corner?

22nd October 2013, 14:17
just like in the topic name. could anybody figure it out for me?
xf: kaszel

22nd October 2013, 14:23
I will take the tdm.gsc as an example.
As I know you can simply change something in that file. Just search for this line

thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_teamscore::init();
and change it to

//thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_teamscore::init();

22nd October 2013, 14:56
wow, thank you! it actually works :P

22nd October 2013, 14:59
and maybe you also know how to remove the "time left" and "players (from each team) remaining" features?

EDIT: and add a default fog from non-pam servers?

22nd October 2013, 15:35

if(level.timelimit > 0)
level.clock = newHudElem();
level.clock.horzAlign = "left";
level.clock.vertAlign = "top";
level.clock.x = 8;
level.clock.y = 2;
level.clock.font = "default";
level.clock.fontscale = 2;
level.clock setTimer(level.timelimit * 60);
level.clock destroy();


if(level.timelimit > 0)
level.clock = newHudElem();
level.clock.horzAlign = "left";
level.clock.vertAlign = "top";
level.clock.x = 8;
level.clock.y = 2;
level.clock.font = "default";
level.clock.fontscale = 2;
level.clock setTimer(level.timelimit * 60);

That should delte the time left. I do not know about the other thing you'd like to remove. It's not stock cod, is it?

About the fog, check the gsc's of the maps. Maybe the line is missing where the effects(fx's) are normally called. Check that out

22nd October 2013, 15:41
thanks for help man. I really appreciate it.

22nd October 2013, 16:47
@Peterlankton somehow I'm still having a problem with the teamscores, it manages to show up on some other demos. Do you know the different way to get rid of it?

i've figured that it works only with clanbase 2v2 ladder match mode, dunno why :(


I would like to remove the red-matched features. I would be sooooooooo thankful *_*

23rd October 2013, 06:58
This is a custom sd.gsc. Check the right gsc file and delete the things Peter said.
About players left. Search in gametype.gsc for _playersleft

27th October 2013, 16:34
Would it be incorrect if I would ask you nicely to do that for me? I'm getting through all these codes for few days and still haven't figured it out. I'm just bad at it. If you could prepare this with zPAM205 for me, I would be thankful so much. If it's not a problem for you, please contact me via xfire: kaszel or skype: szymson.j