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View Full Version : GUID 0 Problem

7th September 2013, 12:23

I recently bought a router d-link dir 615. When I'm creating a server, players can a normal connect to him (and they have a normal guid), but when I am connecting through the list, or by public ip, i can see in the console: "Client 1 connecting with 0 challenge ping from (< ip a router) Going from CS_FREE this CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)". What is it? When I had D-link dir-300 everything was fine.
(was:, guid 1003187). In CoD4 is the same.. Where is the problem? Somebody can help me ?

7th September 2013, 12:53

I recently bought a router d-link dir 615. When I'm creating a server, players can a normal connect to him (and they have a normal guid), but when I am connecting through the list, or by public ip, i can see in the console: "Client 1 connecting with 0 challenge ping from (< ip a router) Going from CS_FREE this CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)". What is it? When I had D-link dir-300 everything was fine.
(was:, guid 1003187). In CoD4 is the same.. Where is the problem? Somebody can help me ?

It is your router's firewall. It doesn't give you your external ip. You get guid 0, because you get your router's ip. It has something to do with nat reflection. It uses your lan ip instead of your external ip.

7th September 2013, 13:26
--- bug post ---

7th September 2013, 13:26
Thanks Mitch for fast answer. Do you know is it possible to fix it ? new router = new problems :/ maybe it will help you :


7th September 2013, 14:09
Have you tried updating your router's firmware?


If that doesn't work then the only way to fix it is to run custom firmware like DD-WRT (http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=152939) or openWRT (http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/d-link/dir-615).

7th September 2013, 14:33
What the hell has this problem got to do with the topic title - GUID 0 Problem. It's a fucking IP problem. Nothing to do with GUID.

7th September 2013, 14:36
Tally - And what? It does not matter.

Mitch - thanks bro for help. I will try do it.

kung foo man
7th September 2013, 16:27
Related to master server? It's down atm.

7th September 2013, 16:54
Tally - And what? It does not matter.

Mitch - thanks bro for help. I will try do it.

It matters that you mislead people with your stupid thread titles. Please don't do it again.