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21st August 2013, 17:11
hello , i edit pam rifle cod2 1.0

a lot of people playing of cheats "r_drawworld 0" they use cheat engine.

who can help me block this command ?

r_drawworld 0
r_lodscale 4

thanks for help.

21st August 2013, 17:17
force them to have the standard value every 5 seconds for example. Make a loop and self setclientcvar("blabla","value");

21st August 2013, 17:22
I don't know if anyone has a better solution, but I would recommend you to add an itemDef to the hud.menu which checks the clients dvars. dvartest. And then use a menuresponse to kick those guys.

Problem with cheat engine is that there is a box you can tick, so that the value is forced.

21st August 2013, 17:22
i know .
if i make bind : bind f3 r_drawworld 0
and click still i see people

self setClientCvar("r_drawworld","1");
wait 0.01;

21st August 2013, 17:24
I don't know if anyone has a better solution, but I would recommend you to add an itemDef to the hud.menu which checks the clients dvars. dvartest. And then use a menuresponse to kick those guys.

Problem with cheat engine is that there is a box you can tick, so that the value is forced.

can u help me ?
Xf ; malyczolg

21st August 2013, 17:26
can u help me ?
Xf ; malyczolg

I've got no time for that. Hopefully someone else can help you, buddy.

kung foo man
22nd August 2013, 03:20
Might not help, just as info:

dvar_int <name> <default> <min> <max>
dvar_float <name> <default> <min> <max>
dvar_bool <name> <default>

In some .menu-file:

exec "dvar_bool r_drawWorld 1"

This might help better:


#include "ui_mp/menudef.h"

name "kickcheater"
execOnDvarIntValue r_drawWorld 1 "disconnect";

// only once:

while (1)
player openMenu("kickcheater");
player closeMenu("kickcheater");
wait 5;

Not tested.

Also, I've never played much with "scriptMenuResponse". Can it even return simple expressions like "scriptMenuResponse $evalint(1+1);"?

22nd August 2013, 10:11

how check if a player have r_drawworld 1?

cod2 1.0

22nd August 2013, 12:27
help please.

******* script compile error *******
unknown function: (file 'maps/pam/sd.gsc', line 340)
if (getclientcvar("r_drawworld") == "0")

22nd August 2013, 12:34
There is no 'getclientcvar' I think so or i'm wrong.

self.draw_world = GetDvarInt("r_drawworld");

22nd August 2013, 13:44
help please.

******* script compile error *******
unknown function: (file 'maps/pam/sd.gsc', line 340)
self.draw_world = GetDvarInt("r_drawworld");

22nd August 2013, 13:57
Huh why is randalls reply deleted?

kung foo man
22nd August 2013, 14:22
Deleted the last 3 senseless posts (getcvarint is server-only). Peterlankton/me basically told him how he can check cvars.

22nd August 2013, 14:52
Huh why is randalls reply deleted?

hello , thanks work but "GetCvarInt" function for server i need function check for 1 player : for me , for bot0

26th August 2013, 06:50
a lot of people playing of cheats "r_drawworld 0" they use cheat engine.

First of all do you have sv_cheats "0" on this server? if not then try it.

self setClientCvar("r_drawworld","1");
wait 0.01;

Possibly the worst you could do, as loops should be the last solution for problems.

In connect.menu:

//exec "dvar_bool r_drawWorld 1"
onOpen { execNow "r_drawWorld 1" }

This might help better:


#include "ui_mp/menudef.h"

name "kickcheater"
execOnDvarIntValue r_drawWorld 1 "disconnect"; // shouldnt this be 0 as it is execOnDvarIntValue?

// only once:

while (1)
player openMenu("kickcheater");
player closeMenu("kickcheater");
wait 5;

Simple solution, use it.