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View Full Version : Triple Mortar

19th August 2013, 15:46
//Name: Mortar 3 shoot //
//Developer: czolg //
//Tested by: czolg //
//Scripted by: czolg //
//czolg xf: malyczolg //
level endon("end_map");
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("killed_player");
self endon("artillery_fired");
self iprintlnbold("^2*^7Pre^9ss ^2[^9F^2] ^7I^9n ^7Bino^9culars ^7T^9o ^7Ma^9rk ^7Fir^9st ^7Sh^9ot ^7O^9f ^7Mort^9ar^2`");
eAttacker = self;
self waittill("binocular_fire");
targetPos = GetTargetedPos();
self iprintlnbold("^2*^7Pre^9ss ^2[^9F^2] ^7I^9n ^7Bino^9culars ^7T^9o ^7Ma^9rk ^7Sec^9ond ^7Sh^9ot ^7O^9f ^7Mort^9ar^2`");

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
wait 0.5;

self waittill("binocular_fire");
targetPos2 = GetTargetedPos();
self iprintlnbold("^2*^7Pre^9ss ^2[^9F^2] ^7I^9n ^7Bino^9culars ^7T^9o ^7Ma^9rk ^7Thi^9rd ^7Sh^9ot ^7O^9f ^7Mort^9ar^2`");

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos2);
wait 0.5;

self waittill("binocular_fire");
targetPos3 = GetTargetedPos();

self iprintlnbold("^2*^7Mort^9ar ^7Inco^9ming^2`");
iprintln("^2^7*^2*^7*^2* ^7Mort^9ar ^7Sho^9oting ^7A^9t ^7Tar^9get ^2*^7*^2*^7*^2*");

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos2);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos3);
wait 0.8;

iRange = 300;
vDir = (targetPos);
vDir2 = (targetPos2);
vDir3 = (targetPos3);
players = getentarray("player", "classname");

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos2);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos3);
wait 0.8;

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos2);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos3);
wait 0.8;

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos2);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos3);
wait 0.8;

playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos2);
playfx (level._effect["czolgfx"], targetPos3);
wait 0.8;

playfx (level._effect["czolgmortar"], targetPos);
self thread playSoundAtLocation("mortar_explosion", targetPos, .1 );
earthquake(0.3, 3, targetPos, 850);
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
distance = distance(targetPos, players[i].origin);
if((distance > iRange || players[i].sessionstate != "playing" || !isAlive(players[i]) || players[i].pers["team"] == "allies" )) continue;

players[i] thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eAttacker, eAttacker, 300, 1, "MOD_EXPLOSIVE", "artillery_mp", self.vPoint, vDir, "none", 0);

wait 0.1;

playfx (level._effect["czolgmortar"], targetPos2);
self thread playSoundAtLocation("mortar_explosion", targetPos2, .1 );
earthquake(0.3, 3, targetPos2, 850);
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
distance = distance(targetPos2, players[i].origin);
if((distance > iRange || players[i].sessionstate != "playing" || !isAlive(players[i]) || players[i].pers["team"] == "allies" )) continue;

players[i] thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eAttacker, eAttacker, 300, 1, "MOD_EXPLOSIVE", "artillery_mp", self.vPoint, vDir2, "none", 0);

wait 0.1;

playfx (level._effect["czolgmortar"], targetPos3);
self thread playSoundAtLocation("mortar_explosion", targetPos3, .1 );
earthquake(0.3, 3, targetPos3, 850);
for(i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
distance = distance(targetPos3, players[i].origin);
if((distance > iRange || players[i].sessionstate != "playing" || !isAlive(players[i]) || players[i].pers["team"] == "allies" )) continue;

players[i] thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](eAttacker, eAttacker, 300, 1, "MOD_EXPLOSIVE", "artillery_mp", self.vPoint, vDir3, "none", 0);

startOrigin = self getEye();
forward = anglesToForward(self getplayerangles());
forward= maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale(forward, 100000);
endOrigin = startOrigin + forward;
trace = bulletTrace(startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self);
if(trace["fraction"] == 1.0 || trace["surfacetype"] == "default")
endOrigin = trace["position"];
else if(trace["fraction"] < 1)
endOrigin = trace["position"];

return endOrigin;

PlaySoundAtLocation(sound, location, iTime)
org = spawn("script_model", location);
wait 0.05;
org show();
org playSound(sound);
wait iTime;
org delete();



19th August 2013, 17:51
Same as in previous thread.

Damn, why do you own not your codes? This code is not made by you. Stop stealing scripts/mods stuff and publish it as your credits.

19th August 2013, 17:55
its not made by me ? h2h
who make this script ?

19th August 2013, 18:00
Old PES stuff. Blanco/Riyt. Pls don't tell me bullshit. Me and other REAL scripters know, who's owner of this code. This is the funniest thing is, you change credits and effect name ONLY.

19th August 2013, 19:45
Lol it is BlancO mod with NemanjA mod, wtf why you stealing this mod ?

19th August 2013, 20:38
robson nie badz smieszny , widzailes kiedys na serwerze pes takie cos ?

19th August 2013, 21:15
English please?

19th August 2013, 22:03
Yes, I saw. On old PES mod when Blanco was modmaker.

20th August 2013, 06:04
It is getting annoying...
What has become of the old Killtube forum?
Now throw attack like the tiger and say scripts are being stolen or copied....

kung foo man
20th August 2013, 07:15
They are asking/enforcing a simple thing: correct credits

So don't cry for a non-existing "old forum".

20th August 2013, 07:23
But I think that I only read it here on the forum. ^^
And this sux...

kung foo man
20th August 2013, 07:49
When you don't like correct credits just ignore the discussion about it.


20th August 2013, 08:30
There is some truth to it.
But Portal is a work of you and me. ;)

26th August 2013, 06:21
RobsoN if you can find some valid proofs of this, then i am very sure there is an admin or moderator that will delete this thread and warn czolg or what ever his name.

26th August 2013, 09:34
Sense, I'm sure that code is not made by czolg. I saw it before czolg started "modding". I can call BlancO here, to write same post as me above.

26th August 2013, 10:18
Sure but an admin or moderator cant do anything without proofs, sorry to say.

26th August 2013, 10:31
How can I give you proofs? Anyone can say that this code is his.

26th August 2013, 11:26
I understand it can be hard to proof, so i suggest you to discuss this with an admin/moderator.

26th August 2013, 12:01
Sense, I'm sure that code is not made by czolg. I saw it before czolg started "modding". I can call BlancO here, to write same post as me above.

Show a GSC file from the mod you claim the code is from. You can ascertain when the GSC file was created (by date), thereby proving that it pre-dates the code posted in the OP.

28th August 2013, 22:32
You can easily tell where the code is from, just join `nL.Zombies* server, and by the way, do any of you think someone who asks such a basic questions like Here (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1471-best-player-map) and here (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1422-new-weapon-script), could possibly make a script such as the one in this thread...

//Name: Mortar 3 shoot //
//Developer: czolg //
//Tested by: czolg //
//Scripted by: czolg //
//czolg xf: malyczolg //

/// Scripted By BlancO ///
/// xFire: 7blanco7 ///
/// Edited: 13.06.2011 ///

From the original script.

29th August 2013, 14:45
You can easily tell where the code is from, just join `nL.Zombies* server, and by the way, do any of you think someone who asks such a basic questions like Here (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1471-best-player-map) and here (http://killtube.org/showthread.php?1422-new-weapon-script), could possibly make a script such as the one in this thread...

/// Scripted By BlancO ///
/// xFire: 7blanco7 ///
/// Edited: 13.06.2011 ///

From the original script.

Your right and i agree with you, doesnt seem like this guy made the script, but who am i to say.

This proofs nothing.

29th August 2013, 15:36
Well, as we all seemingly agree that it is quite far-fetched OP made these scripts, lets discuss them

startOrigin = self getEye();
forward = anglesToForward(self getplayerangles());
forward= maps\mp\_utility::vectorScale(forward, 100000);
endOrigin = startOrigin + forward;
trace = bulletTrace(startOrigin, endOrigin, false, self);
if(trace["fraction"] == 1.0 || trace["surfacetype"] == "default")
endOrigin = trace["position"];
else if(trace["fraction"] < 1)
endOrigin = trace["position"];

return endOrigin;

What is that last if doing there? Really?

PlaySoundAtLocation(sound, location, iTime)
org = spawn("script_model", location);
wait 0.05;
org show();
org playSound(sound);
wait iTime;
org delete();

No need to
1) spawn a script_model, a script_origin suffices
2) wait before playing a sound
3) show for playing a sound
4) wait before deleting.

meleepoint playsound(level.meleesound);
meleepoint delete();
Works fine in the cod4mod.

The rest of the script feels awefully coded (can easily be wrapped into a loop) and contains unnecessary waits.

Very linear, obviously copy-pasted scripting.