View Full Version : Chat Font Size

27th July 2013, 13:38
How to change the Chat font size? :D

27th July 2013, 16:51
How to change the Chat font size? :D

You can only make it smaller - range is between 0 and 8. Try to go any higher, and it will simply be ignored.

If you want to do it just for yourself, edit your config_mp.cfg file (in the "players" folder):

seta cg_chatHeight "8" //<---- change this number

If you want to do it for everyone, in your mod, either at the onPlayerConnect() method, or onSpawnedPlayer() method:

self setClientCvar( "cg_chatHeight", "8" ); //<--- change the number

10th August 2013, 09:27
Ye, this is the Chat Height.. But it don't controls the Font Size, only the number of rows..
Is it possible to change the Font Size on Chat?